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Themed Sorcerers

I've been wanting to play through the whole trilogy (using BGT and SCS) with a themed sorcerer for a while, but have been struggling with spell selection... It seems impossible to get a consistent repetoire of spells together without leaving nasty gaps in attack or defense, and as I've yet to play a char past level 12 I've only really got the spell desciptions to work from. So, bearing in mind he's not meant to be anywhere near optimal, how badly would this guy do (party or not)?

Magic Missile
Protection from Petrification
Protection from Evil

Agannazar's Scorcher
Detect Invisibility
Melf's Acid Arrow

Lightning Bolt
Minor Spell Deflection
Spell Thrust
Melf's Minute Meteors
Remove Magic

Ice Storm
Fireshield (Red)
Fireshield (Blue)
Spirit Armor

Cone of Cold
Lower Resistance
Phantom Blade
Spell Shield

Chain Lightning
Spell Deflection
Improved Haste
Tenser's Transformation
True Sight

Ruby Ray of Reversal
Mordenkainen's Sword
Spell Turning
Khelben's Warding Whip
Spell Sequencer

Spell Trigger
Incendiary Cloud
Protection from Energy

Chain Contingency
Black Blade of Disaster
Spell Trap

He's meant to focus on spell duels, elemental attacks, and getting stuck into melee late game.


  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I was thinking that the OP was talking about actual themes such as "fire based" or "Necromancy". that "To me" is more theme based.

    I played a Necromancer on a PW in NWN2 for a while. He was pretty cool, but had some definite holes in his spell list owning to the fact that 90% or more were necromancy in nature. Made for a fun play though.

    If you are worried about holes, simply have a second arcane caster to fill the gaps though. That will work out nicely.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Umm you can have six spells known at lvl 6?

    Your sorc lacks crowd control. No web, no slow, no emotion:hopelesness and no chaos. No greater malison either. I would ditch phantom blade (only useful against undead but you will still suck at melee unless you tenser's) and get chaos for it is very very useful against groups of enemies. Two fireshields are a waste, IMHO, pick one (cold one is good for offense as cold damage is resisted only by undead. warm one is better for defense as fire damage from enemies is more common) and get malison or emotion instead the other one. No Abi Dalzim and pw:blind really undermines your power at lvl 8, but it is workable. And, uhh, wait, no Time Stop? It is one of the most powerful, useful and cool spells IMHO.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Given how you want to roleplay the character your choices seem fine to me.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @CrevsDaak‌ , omg! I love, love, LOVE your theme! I bow before your Star Wars geeklove. ;)

    The only changes I would make are that the Jedi or Sith needs Charm Person at level one, and Dire Charm at level three. Or is that more of a Jedi thing than a Sith thing? Come to think of it, in the movies, only the good Jedi do it.

    *waves hand at @CrevsDaak‌ and intones* "You will use the Force for knowledge and defense, *never* for attack, and to exert a strong influence on the weak-minded."

    What list of themed sorcerer spells would you suggest for a good Jedi? Or, I wonder if fighter-mage would be better than sorcerer for that?
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I think some of those spells are more good or neutral but of course a Sith could probably dabble in those.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @BelgarathMTH‌ I don't think Sith would use charm-and-the-like spells too much, Jedi use them to prevent conflicts, to gain time (aka not losing time trading/talking with a merchant/guard) and similar moments. While the Sith would use those spells to make the victim suicide, use the victim as a servant, etc.

    For a Jedi I'd say the best combo is Fighter/Mage/Cleric, but their way of casting spells (through the Force) is much more like the Sorcerer, I think a Sith would also be more accurate as a Fighter/Mage/Cleric, since it opens up more spells of the type they could use (Harm, Chaotic Commands, Jedi might also want Defensive Harmony and of course, Healing Spells) and are more accurate than the Mage spells I gave the Sith Lord in my other post.

    @CrevsDaak‌ , omg! I love, love, LOVE your theme! I bow before your Star Wars geeklove. ;)

    Thanks you ;)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @CrevsDaak, I agree about the cleric spells being part of the Jedi/Sith repertoire of Force powers. But then there's that pesky blunt weapons restriction for the clerics, where it seems that a Jedi/Sith analogue in BG would use a two-handed sword.

    You could use quarterstaff I guess, but it's less damage. On the other hand, quarterstaff kind of fits the theme that the Jedi/Sith are able to defeat fighters with far superior technology (blasters) using a quaint, outdated, "...elegant weapon, from a more civilized time." Also, the +3 and +4 staves glow like lightsabers, so a quarterstaff wielding "Jedi" in BG, be it sorcerer, or fighter-cleric-mage, does kind of look the part.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @BelgarathMTH‌ yes, I assume you can choose Staves, two handed swords, bastard swords, short swords (some Jedi/Sith modify their lightsabers to be bigger/smaller) and long swords as their weapons of choice.

    We could even add whips since some Sith use lightships, and others even prefer bladed weapons instead of lightsabers (of course, they are covered in cortosis to be able to parry lightsabers, and most probably vibroblades or nastier), but I don't see how whips could be implemented in the infinity engine so I'd rather leave them out.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Im planning to do a Melee Red Dragon Diciple
    Focus on Melee and Dragon attacks

    Lvl1: Chill Toutch, Shocking Gasp, Burning Hands, Armor, Shield
    Lvl2: Ghoul Touch, Agannazar Scorcher, Blurr, Mirror image, Strength
    Lvl3: Vampiric Touch, Ghost Armor, Haste, Fireball, Flame Arrow
    Lvl4: Fireshield Red, Stoneskin, Polymorp self, Spirit Armor, Enchanted Weapon
    Lvl5: Phantom blade, Sunfire, Lesser Fire elemental, prot. from normal weapons, spell shield
    Lvl6: Fire elemantal, Prot from magical weapons, Improved haste, Tenser"s Fransformation, Mislead
    Lvl7: Delayed fireball, Mordenkainen's sword, Summon Efreeti, Project Image
    Lvl8: Incendiary cloud, Simulacrum, Inproved Mantle, Bigby's
    Lvl9: Black blade, Meteor swarm, absolute immunity, shapechange
    Lvl10: Dragons Breath, Energy blades

    Did I miss any melee (touch range, defence) or Red Dragon (fire) oriented spell?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @artificial_sunlight‌ , nice theme idea. Maybe Melf's Minute Meteors instead of Ghoul Touch or Ghost Armor at level 3? They're fire-based, very useful against casters and hard-to-hit monsters, and are the same as small fireballs.

    Enchanted Weapon is a waste of a level 4 slot. Why not Improved Invisibility? Red dragons can be invisible if they want to, can't they? You could reimagine it slighty if you want, since it will amount to being a +4 defensive spell using your suggested playstyle. It could represent your skin getting harder, and the magic defense (cannot be directly targeted by spells) could represent your draconic magic resistance.
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