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Might and Magic 6 run already in progress, potential MM7 and MM8 journals

BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
edited August 2014 in Off-Topic
Hey, I love MM6-8, and I am thinking about trying some journaling of my upcoming MM7 run, as well as possibly going back to MM6 and journaling a run from the beginning. I also might do an MM8 journal.

I love to journal my runs, and this forum seems like a great place to do it, but only if I can get at least two or three readers.

My current MM6 run is very late, with one of the four Oracle memory crystals already recovered, the one from Castle Kriegspire. The other three remain to be done, as well as the Tomb of Varn, and the final two dungeons leading to the saving of planet Enroth. (Which is also the name of King Roland's continent - talk about "ethnocentric". :)

I am so enamored of my current "Fantastic Four", that I am also thinking about taking these same characters through IWD and BG:EE as a custom four member party.

The cast are:

Captain John "Johnny" Silver: A rogue and a pirate captain, he is the consummate fighter-thief, inspired by Long John Silver, Captain Hook, Han Solo, Westley, and others:image

"Princess" Valkyrie: A holy woman and divine caster, she is the consummate fighter-cleric, inspired by Brunhilda, Tinkerbell, Princess Leia, Buttercup, and others. Her name is also a nod to the 1980's arcade game "Gauntlet", and the notoriously often voice that says "Valkyrie is about to die."image

Me. Todd. A cleric-mage, which is represented in these games by the "druid" class. A master of all magics, but not as good as a pure cleric or pure mage at either divine or arcane casting. image

Rafe. A fighter-mage attuned to the dark side. I try my best to keep him from going all out dark, but I am hampered by being in love with him. He is something of a pyromaniac, expressing manic glee at constantly casting fireballs and meteor storms at every enemy in sight, and magically sucking the air out of enemies' lungs. He is loosely based on Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, as well as Anakin Skywalker:)image
I can roleplay myself with these people if inspiration strikes.

Would anybody be interested in reading and looking at screeshots, or am I "a voice crying in the wilderness" with this idea? Thanks.
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