[MOD]Monk Overhaul

This started as a small mod to increase the progression of the Monk Fist's magical enchantment but during the course of my googling I found Kish's Oversight mod that included unique High Level Abilities for the Monk, so I thought I would throw them all together (with Kish's permission) ready to be used in the Enhanced Editions.
The Details:
Edit: v1.1 - Small update, hadn't tested in BGEE, fixed the fist names so they work regardless of game.
Edit: v1.2 - Bugfix, stupid mistake on the early monk fists, forgot to check a box, cheers @Forliezen for the heads up
Download: https://goo.gl/Nq8gan
The Details:
Monk Overhaul
Monk High Level Abilites by Kish
This component was created by Kish for the Oversight mod (http://www.gibberlings3.net/oversight/) and ever-so-slightly modified by me for BG2EE compatability.
"In unmodded Throne of Bhaal, monks have access to the same pool of High Level Abilities as fighters. This seems lame. This component will give monks their own set of High Level Abilities instead, most of which should be quite familiar to anyone who has played through Throne of Bhaal before.
Shadowless Kick
This kick throws the target back, knocks the target unconscious, and deals 4d8 points of damage.
Tiger Strike
A more powerful form of Shadowless Kick, this power ensures every blow for the next round is a critical hit. In addition, every blow for the next two rounds throws the target back and knocks the target unconscious.
Prerequisite: Shadowless Kick.
Dragon Fist
With a blow, the monk strips away the magical protections of the target.
Faster Than The Eye
By concentrating briefly on another area within 4000 feet, the monk can instantly transport herself there.
Prerequisite: Feet of the Wind.
Flip Resistances
The monk's magic resistance converts into physical damage resistance for a number of rounds equal to twice the monk's level. The monk also becomes immune to backstab for the same duration.
Solar Stance
Solar Stance renders nearby enemies more vulnerable, reducing the saving throws of any within 60 feet of the monk by 4. It creates a cloud of glittering golden particles that fill the air for twenty feet around the monk, revealing invisible creatures. All enemies in the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or be blinded (-4 to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class) until the dust fades, after 4 rounds. Also, a blast of fire emanates from the monk, scorching and throwing back everyone in a 30-foot radius, though the stance protects the monk from the flames.
Prerequisite: Tiger Strike.
Lunar Stance
A monk who strikes this stance gains a +5 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Death, a + 2 bonus to luck, and becomes immune to Slay, Imprisonment, Petrification, Level Drain, Disintegrate, and Time Stop. The duration of this power is four rounds.
Prerequisite: Solar Stance.
Shadow Stance
This stance causes the monk to instantly become both invisible, as per the spell Improved Invisibility, and immune to divination spells such as True Seeing. This power lasts for 23 rounds.
Prerequisite: Lunar Stance.
Feet of the Wind
Each time this ability is chosen, it greatly and permanently increases the monk's movement rate.
Second Wind
By concentrating briefly, the monk can shrug off even the worst of wounds, once per day. The effect of this power is to fully heal the monk instantly.
Prerequisite: Flip Resistances.
Stunning Blow
The monk has one more use of the Stunning Blow ability per day.
Quivering Palm
The monk has one more use of the Quivering Palm ability per day."
Monk Fist Overhaul
This component offers two choices of monk fist magical enchantment progression.
Option 1:
+1 fists at 3rd level
+2 fists at 9th level
+3 fists at 12th level
+4 fists at 15th level
+5 fists at 25th level
This option is obviously very overpowered compared to vanilla progression, I made it mainly as an option for those that want to ensure that they will be able hit anything they are likely to encounter.
Option 2:
+1 fists at 5th level
+2 fists at 10th level
+3 fists at 15th level
+4 fists at 20th level
+5 fists at 25th level
This option I feel is more balanced between faster progression and what vanilla monks get. This option requires the Enhanced Edition.
Monk High Level Abilites by Kish
This component was created by Kish for the Oversight mod (http://www.gibberlings3.net/oversight/) and ever-so-slightly modified by me for BG2EE compatability.
"In unmodded Throne of Bhaal, monks have access to the same pool of High Level Abilities as fighters. This seems lame. This component will give monks their own set of High Level Abilities instead, most of which should be quite familiar to anyone who has played through Throne of Bhaal before.
Shadowless Kick
This kick throws the target back, knocks the target unconscious, and deals 4d8 points of damage.
Tiger Strike
A more powerful form of Shadowless Kick, this power ensures every blow for the next round is a critical hit. In addition, every blow for the next two rounds throws the target back and knocks the target unconscious.
Prerequisite: Shadowless Kick.
Dragon Fist
With a blow, the monk strips away the magical protections of the target.
Faster Than The Eye
By concentrating briefly on another area within 4000 feet, the monk can instantly transport herself there.
Prerequisite: Feet of the Wind.
Flip Resistances
The monk's magic resistance converts into physical damage resistance for a number of rounds equal to twice the monk's level. The monk also becomes immune to backstab for the same duration.
Solar Stance
Solar Stance renders nearby enemies more vulnerable, reducing the saving throws of any within 60 feet of the monk by 4. It creates a cloud of glittering golden particles that fill the air for twenty feet around the monk, revealing invisible creatures. All enemies in the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or be blinded (-4 to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class) until the dust fades, after 4 rounds. Also, a blast of fire emanates from the monk, scorching and throwing back everyone in a 30-foot radius, though the stance protects the monk from the flames.
Prerequisite: Tiger Strike.
Lunar Stance
A monk who strikes this stance gains a +5 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Death, a + 2 bonus to luck, and becomes immune to Slay, Imprisonment, Petrification, Level Drain, Disintegrate, and Time Stop. The duration of this power is four rounds.
Prerequisite: Solar Stance.
Shadow Stance
This stance causes the monk to instantly become both invisible, as per the spell Improved Invisibility, and immune to divination spells such as True Seeing. This power lasts for 23 rounds.
Prerequisite: Lunar Stance.
Feet of the Wind
Each time this ability is chosen, it greatly and permanently increases the monk's movement rate.
Second Wind
By concentrating briefly, the monk can shrug off even the worst of wounds, once per day. The effect of this power is to fully heal the monk instantly.
Prerequisite: Flip Resistances.
Stunning Blow
The monk has one more use of the Stunning Blow ability per day.
Quivering Palm
The monk has one more use of the Quivering Palm ability per day."
Monk Fist Overhaul
This component offers two choices of monk fist magical enchantment progression.
Option 1:
+1 fists at 3rd level
+2 fists at 9th level
+3 fists at 12th level
+4 fists at 15th level
+5 fists at 25th level
This option is obviously very overpowered compared to vanilla progression, I made it mainly as an option for those that want to ensure that they will be able hit anything they are likely to encounter.
Option 2:
+1 fists at 5th level
+2 fists at 10th level
+3 fists at 15th level
+4 fists at 20th level
+5 fists at 25th level
This option I feel is more balanced between faster progression and what vanilla monks get. This option requires the Enhanced Edition.
Edit: v1.1 - Small update, hadn't tested in BGEE, fixed the fist names so they work regardless of game.
Edit: v1.2 - Bugfix, stupid mistake on the early monk fists, forgot to check a box, cheers @Forliezen for the heads up
Download: https://goo.gl/Nq8gan
Post edited by Prismo on
STRING_SET ~25197~ @98404 //lower
STRING_SET ~25170~ @98405 //mixed
STRING_SET ~25223~ @98406 //help
EDIT2: In case it is not clear, the string number should be between the tildes.
Obviously, you will not be changing the name of the class from "Monk" so you just need to replace the "help" string, which will change the description. Note that (last I remember) the game will crash if the description is too long, so watch out for that.
EDIT: Near infinity should help you find the string. Do a search of dialog.tlk.
@Zakharon Yeah it's finished and works (grab v1.1 for the BGEE fix), right now I'm just trying to edit the Monk description to reflect the Fist enchantment change. If you don't care about the kit description being accurate then it is all done.
Also, there seem to be a lot of mods that check for the game engine. Perhaps you could see what they do?
I ramble, sorry I like the concept of monks
Edit: Should have mentioned a few specifics. I'm playing BGEE, I installed this mod using the faster of the 2 fist progressions, and only use this mod and 2 other, very unrelated mods currently (Isra NPC and the mod that adds ranged arcane staves and circlets).
Edit 2: Just confirmed that I cannot hit Vampiric Wolves or Flesh Golems with my fists at level 7. It reads "Weapon Ineffective". It looks like the fists give the thaco bonus of +1, but don't seem to be considered magic when it comes to hitting foes immune to normal weapons.
Final Edit: Just loaded up DLTCEP and checked the item files for the MFIST series. The MFIST2 and MFIST3 do not have the "Magical" box checked under the Icons and Attributes tab. I've fixed this on my game manually, but maybe you could fix that if you decide to do a re-release that alters the monk description.
First can this mod be used mid game without problems. Especially as my monk already has some of the standard hla`s.
Second have you thought about doing kit specific hla`s like one that upgrades the sun soul monks Greater Sun from fire shield red into the priest spell aura of flaming death?
Some criticism:
-Both the Sun Soul and Dark Moon kits have the option to select an extra use of Stunning Fist even though neither of them are allowed to learn it naturally.
-Similarly, the Sun Soul kit can choose an extra use of Quivering Palm when they're not allowed to learn it normally.
-I find it kind of weird that a Dark Moon monk would learn a technique called Solar Stance when they worship a goddess of darkness.
Other than those, I'm glad this has been updated for the Enhanced Editions.
This also helps with one of the biggest problems monks had for BG1: Hitting enemies with +1 weapons with +0 fists; it was impossible, as the level cap went JUST beneath the level they would be gaining +1 fists normally.
And I remember back when the talk of these HLAs being released for the original BG2 people said it was too OP, but I disagree. Most of these HLAs make sense for a monk, in a manner of speaking, as while Greater Whirlwind is nice, Hardiness makes no sense, Deathblow wouldn't fit well, and Magic Resistance would be completely useless considering the monk's already god-like MR.
Actually its not that hard to change up the HLAs like I suggested. I've gone ahead and done that already but I never said anything about it because I've never done anything with Weidu before. So just shove these two into your 'override' folder if you've got these monk HLAs installed. Say yes to overwrite anything.
So here's my modified versions of the HLAs used in this mod for the two monk kits.
-Sun Soul and Dark Moon monks cannot choose extra Stunning Fist uses, as per class restrictions
-Sun Soul monks cannot choose extra Quivering Palm uses, as per class restrictions
-Dark Moon monks cannot learn Solar Stance, but they can learn Lunar Stance after learning Tiger Strike.
Default Stance progression:
*Shadowless Kick
*Tiger Strike
*Solar Stance
*Lunar Stance
*Shadow Stance