Best Irenicus Line

What is Irenicus's Best Line in BG2
Mellisan Poll tomorrow
Mellisan Poll tomorrow
- Best Irenicus Line76 votes
- Ahh, the Child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more....experiments11.84%
- You dare to attack me here? Do you know who you face?! YOU WILL SUFFER YOU WILL *ALL* SUFFER!23.68%
- Life.....Is Strength.....17.11%
- Silence, Child. Allow the Fool to Make his Judgement  5.26%
- Silence, Dog. You have no purpose but to die by my hand  7.89%
- I do remember your love Ellesime....I have tried.....  7.89%
- Y-You....*killed* me.  0.00%
- You have released *all* of my test subjects? How Wonderfully *mad* of you!11.84%
- WHAT?....who-who DARES!  2.63%
- Other (Please say what it is)11.84%
"And now I hunger only for revenge. And... I... WILL... HAVE IT!!" Jon Irenicus to Ellesime before the fight for the Tree of Life.
His "I cannot be caged..." speech that @DarkDogg posted is a favorite, and his "Must I be interrupted at every turn? I haven't got time for this!" speech in the Promenade is a favorite.
Really, every line of the Promenade speech is a favorite. "Your pathetic magics are useless! ... You bore me, mageling..."
Far too many to choose from, here. Every line is golden, as delivered by David Warner. I think it's more David Warner's talent that makes the magic than the actual lines, though.
Including but not limited to: David Warner, Jim Cummings, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Grey Delisle
"I... do not remember your love, Bioware. I've tried. I've tried to recreate it, to spark it anew but it is gone... A hollow, dead thing. For years I clung to the Memory of Baldur's Gate, and then the memory OF the memory of Baldur's Gate and then nothing! Electronic Arts took that from me, too. I look upon Dragon Age 2, and *feel* nothing, I remember nothing but you turning your back on your franchises along with all the other big corporations."
That is brillaint. Other games look too far into graphics and not plotline. It's true, that Baldur's Gate has a few plotlines here and there, but even the greatest stories have had plotlines such as Indiana Jones and Star Wars.
Compared to almost every other Modern RPG (especially the ones Bioware makes nowadays) the Plotline is more sound, the map use is more sound, the party members are more enjoyable, and the difficulty is more rewarding.
That was my intention.
Same with the Ellesime speech, but I can't fit an entire speech into one bar.
Love how he puts the emphasis on "bore"
You *bore* me mageling (shows his teeth. He's a vicious dude. Total badass)
You may take me in but you will take the girl as well (now shows boredom. not impressed with the situation. still a badass)
"To THIS?"
I love that line