two-handed weapon strength bonus

Since in BG series two-handed weapons are relatively underpowered compared to dual weapon style, so can we expect a X1.5 strength bonus like it is in 3E in the BGEE?
The problem with the 3.5E damage rule is that it would lead to insane damage bonuses. It's easy to get an additional bonus of +3 at level 1. In other cases, it can be even higher. If you're a barbarian raging, you can get an additional bonus of +7! It's a wonderful rule for 3e, but it doesn't work well in 2e, IMO.
I'd settle for better swords in BG2.
I'd say a 3rd point placement in TWO HANDED style should offer a -2 AC bonus. This would make it far more attractive.
Spears and Halberds are under represented weapons. BG1 does have a +3 two handed sword.
Two-handed style actually does double each individual roll's chance of a crit, because it allows you to roll crits on 19 AND 20. That's 10%.
In BG1, dual-wielding doesn't offer much exra protection or bonuses unless you're using Twinkle, as most one-handed weapons in BG1 don't provide any bonuses the normal to-hit and damage bonuses. Obviously, BG2 changes this, where just about every named one-hander does something neat.
Spears and halberds are indeed under represented in BG1. Hopefully Overhaul added some new items to rectify this. Two-handed swords have two +3 instances, and a +2 that makes you immune to hold, slow, paralysis, stun, and other similar effects.
I do agree, though, that a third pip should be allowed in Two-handed Style, and it should do something cool.
I also think that "unarmed" ought to qualify as wielding a single weapon for the purposes of Single Weapon Style's benefits, largely because monks end up taking a penalty for not wielding a weapon. But that's neither here nor there.
For myself, I usually go with long swords because of Varscona - but I'm lately feeling the desire to roll up a zweihander Blackguard...
When dual-wielding weapons with additional perks (e.g. life draining, poisoning and such) dual wielding gets even more powerful.