How many times . . .

Did you play through the original?
I remember playing well into double digits, and that does not include restarts.
I remember playing well into double digits, and that does not include restarts.
Partial playthroughs, problem into the dozens.
BG 2 3times with different parties to test all npc out, after that around the same amount of solo plays as BG 1 had but allmost all of them got ridiculously over powered before spellhold and i stopped there. only solos i was able to finish was sorcerer,paladin,blade around 5times(i love blades),berserker/cleric,assassin around 5times this one also and last but probably not the last one was avenger.. might be few more that i cant recall.
BG2 is different, more like 4 times.
But yeah, that's the reason I can do pretty much any crazy thing in BG1 nowadays - I know it BY HEART! What would I give for a complete amnesia in the video gaming field though...
Baldur`s Gate 2 (TOB included) I might have played it like 3 times, maybe 4. But mostly repeating party members.
So, again, overall I`m really excited about the enhanced edition and I plan to play it A LOT.
Bg2 around 6-7 times not counting restarts.
BG2 I've played probably somewhere closer to 40 or 50 times (not all the way through every single time, I frequently hit TOB and lose interest)