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"Healing spells cast on rest" message, depsite having no healers

RaraynRarayn Member Posts: 12
I was resting up, expecting some minor health regen at best*, but woke up to a "Healing spells cast on rest" message with my Berserker fully healed instead.** Imoen, on the other hand, only regenerated 1 HP.

This is odd, because I have no spells or abilities that can heal me whatsoever. Is this some weird bug, or does the game treat Enrage as a healing spell for resting purposes because of the +15 HP boost?

Edit: Constitution is 18, so no regen from that either.

*I try to keep resting times at least semi-realistic
**About 4-5 HP, despite resting in the wilds.


  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    No bhaalspawn healing innate?
  • KamikazeSnarkKamikazeSnark Member Posts: 1
    I am experiencing the same issue today on 9/29/2016. I played through BG1 with a solo Berserker and I got "healing spells cast on rest" whenever I rested with enrage uses left for the day. In SoD I dual-classed to Mage at level 9 and now I no longer get these messages, and healing by resting takes a lot longer.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Must be a function of the temporary HP thing, yeah.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    it is definitely a bug that is caused from the enrage ability, its been around ever since the EEs first came out ( I've noticed this years ago since I've made tons of berserkers, since its one of my favourite classes)

    don't know how this bug has slipped through ever since then, but its been quite convenient when I don't have a cleric in the team
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    Just thought I'd mention that I experience this bug now (april 2019). Solo Berserker. Playing with BGEESpawn-v05, so I assumed it was the mod, but reading this thread makes me think otherwise. No reason the mod should temper with that.
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