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Is the iPad version of BG:EE a good introduction to the BG series?

Or should I choose the PC version? I'm really tempted to get the iPad version, because I carry my iPad almost everywhere, but I have read that there are some problems with the touch. Mainly I read because the game was made to be played with mouse/keyboard combo that it doesn't translate that well to touchscreen.

Can you give me your opinion? Is it worth it?

Currently my experience with a PC game converted to iPad was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, which translated quite beautifully to iPad (with the only exception for me being the swoop race minigame).


  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    No, it works fine. It's the same game, and the touch problem are pretty specific. There are a few annoying things, such as scrolling, pinpoint positioning and separating stacks, but it's pretty clever for the most part. If you think your going to get both anyway then I guess it doesn't matter, but if you don't want to spend the extra money than the iPad version works fine.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited August 2014
    The iPad version of the game works pretty fine.... Even if some slowdowns may occur if you're using an old device ( i.e. the iPad 2). As far as I can tell, there are some noticeable slowdowns when the following spells are cast:
    — striking cloud;
    — cloudkill;
    — color spray.
  • SnowstoneSnowstone Member Posts: 18
    For now I only intend to get one version of the game. If I enjoyed it, I might end up buying BG2:EE, and maybe even get either the Steam version and/or the GOG classic version.

    I have an iPad Air, so I'm guessing I shouldn't get slow downs. Are there automatic saves? Either every X minutes, and/or if I put the game in the background for some reason?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    There are automatic saves when you exit some big areas or enter some specific buildings....
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    I have an iPad 2, and I always quicksave before putting the game in background, because if I use some app, the game won't resume.
    But if you're going to play BG for the forst time, rmemeber the 1st rule. Save every time you can!!!!

    I love the iPad BGEE, and if you are an iPad user, I strongly suggest to buy the iPad version of both games.
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