Is the iPad version of BG:EE a good introduction to the BG series?

Or should I choose the PC version? I'm really tempted to get the iPad version, because I carry my iPad almost everywhere, but I have read that there are some problems with the touch. Mainly I read because the game was made to be played with mouse/keyboard combo that it doesn't translate that well to touchscreen.
Can you give me your opinion? Is it worth it?
Currently my experience with a PC game converted to iPad was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, which translated quite beautifully to iPad (with the only exception for me being the swoop race minigame).
Can you give me your opinion? Is it worth it?
Currently my experience with a PC game converted to iPad was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, which translated quite beautifully to iPad (with the only exception for me being the swoop race minigame).
— striking cloud;
— cloudkill;
— color spray.
I have an iPad Air, so I'm guessing I shouldn't get slow downs. Are there automatic saves? Either every X minutes, and/or if I put the game in the background for some reason?
There are automatic saves when you exit some big areas or enter some specific buildings....
But if you're going to play BG for the forst time, rmemeber the 1st rule. Save every time you can!!!!
I love the iPad BGEE, and if you are an iPad user, I strongly suggest to buy the iPad version of both games.