throne of Baal plananter

On the way to Marching mountains a creature says she has to kill Dorn or whatever. I can't seem to beat this thing./ Dorn is not even in my party but he shows up. Is there anyway to circumvent this?
Someone can probably fix your save so that this doesn't happen, but an easy solution might be going to the pocket plane, picking up Dorn, and dragging him along for this fight. As far as I'm aware, you can then go and dismiss him afterwards and continue on like normal without doing the quest (or you can do it for XP if you feel like being evil).
If you give your party members, it might be easier to give tactics. No one in Heaven has a minHP ring, so everyone can be slaughtered if you so desire. I found the dragon fight pretty mean, but hey, you fight five dragons in one of those ToB mods, so I should be used to that sort of thing- no other fight was that hard.
You do have Dorn with you in Heaven, right? I think you're supposed to. If you don't want Dorn, don't go through the portal and just ignore it: you should be safe.