Strength "18/55"

Would someone describe what this terminology means? I have noticed in character creation the max number you can distribute into strengths differs on each roll. Sometimes only 18, but others 18/55 18/80 18/63. Can someone explain to me why it displays as a fraction? And why sometimes the number is higher in the rolls e.g. 18/55 vs 18/78.
What does the denominator in the fraction indicate (e.g. 18/55 what does the 55 mean)
What does the denominator in the fraction indicate (e.g. 18/55 what does the 55 mean)
Basically there is a huge difference between 18 and 19 strength. Fighters can have strength between these two with 18/xx so there isn't such a large gap.
Schedule a good two hours of your day for it
Keep in mind that, played by the recommended rules, typical Baldur's Gate attribute spreads don't happen because you roll once and keep what you get with no reassignment of points. With that in mind, exceptional strength truly was exceptional, as even getting an 18 was only a 1 in 216 chance. From there, the math is simple. Getting that enviable 18/00 strength? 1 in 21600 chance of happening. AD&D 2E was a game intended to feature ordinary people made extraordinary by action and training rather than through luck of the genetic draw.
But yes, 18/51-75 means your guy is slightly better than a guy with 18/01-50, and those guys are slightly better than a guy with raw 18.
Honestly, unless you manage to get 18/51+ on your fighters, keep rolling or just leave it at 17 and rely on stat-boosting items to roid it higher.
Me and my buddies meta-gamed the hell out of BG back in the day and can't wait to do it again for Enhanced Edition.
Other than that it's just an arbitrary rule from the past. It's just the way it is. The rules have always oscillated between as much realism as possible and as much abstraction as needed (to keep things manageable without computers).
18/100 is Dark Knight Rises Bane. The best of the best for those who are just naturally big and bad.
19 is Captain America. Beyond normal human limitation. A "superhuman."
25 is the Incredible Hulk. Smash.