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High Hedge stock bug

EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 838
edited August 2014 in BG:EE Mods
I have problem with High Hedge stock. When i scroll items in shop all the way down game always freezes and i have to exit it using Task Manager. I have installed NPCProject, Siren's Call, BG2 Tweaks and SCS (in this order). Does anyone know what can cause it? The only component connected with items in HH is "~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #6 #1080: Add Bags of Holding", but other stocks (FAI and TS) dont crash game. I really woudn't want to reinstall everything, so thanks for help in advance.
I attach my mods components list.


  • windspinwindspin Member Posts: 20
    You can try to uninstall mods and then visit the same vendor to see if it's fixed, even if it means starting a fresh new game and beelining for that vendor.

    I had a similar problem with Beregost/Bassillus, using BG1NPC, SCS2 and BG2Tweaks. I ended up just uninstalling and reinstalling components in turn to see when the bug was prevalent. Eventually, I worked it out and uninstalled that part that was giving me trouble and the problem hasn't been back since.

    Your log looks like it's in a different language, but you can always uninstall and check if you have the patience. I don't have the modlore to have a thousand things installed at once without a problem, so the answer for me was to cherrypick what I REALLY wanted and implement just those few things. The game has been working flawless for me since.

    Keep trying :D
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    Try opening HIGHHEDG.STO in Near Infinity, edit "items for sale", remove that bag of holding and see if it fixes the problem (backup the file first).
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