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High quality Portraits?

SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
There are a few NPC portraits I want to tweak ready for Enchanted Edition, however my own collection is slightly on the low side of quality and I think my BG:2 Imoen is not even the final version used in the game (that or it was oddly photo-shopped to remove some of the features).

So I was wondering if there is any source out there that has all the NPC’s portraits at their highest quality that anyone knows about?

If not I suppose I will have to reinstall the games and rip the portraits out of there.


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305

    Download Near Infinity, it takes apart Infinity Engine games and lets you access their files for editing. You can export the portraits as .bmp and the quality is about as good as you can get.

    Open the .CHITIN.key file in the game directory and click on BMP. The portraits are there.
  • pablo200783pablo200783 Member Posts: 96
    Bmp format have good quality in combination with hd should give sharper image.
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
    Ward said:


    Download Near Infinity, it takes apart Infinity Engine games and lets you access their files for editing. You can export the portraits as .bmp and the quality is about as good as you can get.

    Open the .CHITIN.key file in the game directory and click on BMP. The portraits are there.

    Thank you very much, that is everything I needed to know.

    Now, to go find my discs.

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