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MAC Saved Game

Hello I am currently on a vacation, This laptop has Baldurs gate 2 EE downloaded on it it's a mac. I also have BG 2 EE on my other mac overseas If I play here and put the saved game to Usb can I continue from the same saved game on my other mac will it work. If It works how to do it thanks a lot. Love Baldur's Gate


  • NizarNizar Member Posts: 17
    Help please :)
  • NizarNizar Member Posts: 17
    Does anyone know I really want to play
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
  • NizarNizar Member Posts: 17
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    I wouldn't go that far. Hopefully you were still able to get in some game time before your vacation ended :)
  • NizarNizar Member Posts: 17
    :) Yes I am playing wild mage losing all your gold changing gender etc thing kinda scares me thou... Should I finish my first play through with a wild mage?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    It doesn't happen too much, so I'd say yes. Wild Mages are great.
  • NizarNizar Member Posts: 17
    The paranoia of quick save makes it unplayable Lol :D I'd rather pick a sorcerer
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