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Spider Kit

YuriVampireYuriVampire Member Posts: 3
edited September 2014 in General Modding

It is a ranger kit that summons spiders. As you level you get more spiders to summon, which also gain a limited amount of power as you level. You also get web immunity and poisoned weapons.

As a drawback you have less hit points than a normal ranger and less options of weapons to become proficient in.

It works as shown on my live stream. If people are interested I can link to my videos, otherwise I will just keep posting my mods here as I finish them. I plan to do a 12 hour live balancing play test stream of it in a week or two.

I would appreciate feedback from people here.

I am working on a new kit as suggested by my viewers.
Post edited by YuriVampire on


  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    A spider centered ranger kit does sound intruiding. :)
    It would be nice to have a detailed description in this thread though, since I have already exceeded the 9 kit limit for the Ranger. Or at least have a ReadMe with such information.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    From the .TP2 file:

    Spiderkit: You understand that spiders are not innatly evil creatures. Working against evil that has been infecting spider kind, you work to bring them abck to balance.

    - Can achieve Grand Mastery (5 Points) in daggers and darts.
    - Can achieve (2 points) in small blades.
    - Gains spider pet summons as the class levels. Each summon never more than once per day.
    - Gains access to poisoned weapons 1/day at level 1 and an additional use at 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40
    - Immunity to web effects and eventualy immunity to poison and nonmagical weapons
    - No penalties in non-proficent weapons

    - Limited options of weapons to become proficent in
    - 4 hit points per level
    - No charm animal ability
    - No bonus attacks at 7 and 13 that fighter classes tend to get
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    I was really hoping it was just a spider or at least a shapechanger that was always a spider.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Awesome idea, I like it. The spiders from spider spawn don't quite cut it for me.
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