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2nd Robe of Neutral Archmagi

We all know we can buy one from Thalantyr, but did you know there is another one in game?
Well Ghost of Ulcaster wears it!!!! Surround him with your party so he cant move, and kill poor old ghost.
I am not sure is it against rules or not, but Dagger of Venom procs (if no saves) damage it, same as Arrows of Biting. DoV makes his 15x1dmg, arrows do 20x1.
There is no way to land any other blow (at least my archer with -3 thac0 couldn't do it), unless you roll 20. Even then u receive message "Ulcaster was immune to my weapon".
Upon killing you ll receive only 175exp only and your reputation will suffer -10 (if u are heroic20 as i was). He has no other items except that valuable robe.


  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    That's not the only additional Archmage robe ... I seem to recall that Shandalar has one too, and so do the Ghost Knights in Firewine. You used to be able to kill the Ghost Knights the same way as you describe for Ulcaster, with poison, but maybe that exploit has now been patched out. You can kill Shandalar if you're very lucky (e.g. successfully nailing him with a Wand of Paralysation as your first strike).

    Personally, I don't do any of these things, they're cheesy exploits.
  • breuddwydiwrbreuddwydiwr Member Posts: 5
    Well, this is news for me regarding Firewine Ghost Knight. And since i ve done my exploration long time ago, there wasn't totsc at that time, so i couldnt know for Shandalar. Now people have so many option and there is only 1 neutral mage in BG1, unless your char is 1 too. Damn :)
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    Shalandar and Dradeel are two extra sources of Neutral Archmagi Robes. I don't remember if killing them incurs a reputation loss though.
  • TolbenTolben Member Posts: 26
    Jace said:

    Shalandar and Dradeel are two extra sources of Neutral Archmagi Robes. I don't remember if killing them incurs a reputation loss though.

    Not sure about Dradeel, but killing Shandalar does hit you with a reputation loss of -10 I believe.
  • Killing Shandalar counts as "Killing an Innocent," which has a scaling reputation loss depending on your current reputation. Never tried killing Dradeel, so I don't know if there's a hit for killing him.
  • breuddwydiwrbreuddwydiwr Member Posts: 5
    Nope, u get 3000exp and robe... now we only need to get 4 neutral mages into game to use all those robes :)
    Someone should make mod for making 10 player party :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Someone should make mod for making 10 player party :)

    That would require re-working the complete .GAM file type and also a very big part of the engine, so I don't think it would ever be done.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Kaigen said:

    Killing Shandalar counts as "Killing an Innocent," which has a scaling reputation loss depending on your current reputation. Never tried killing Dradeel, so I don't know if there's a hit for killing him.

    Both of them loose you rep, and both are harder than it seems it would be. Dradeel has some jacked-up holy fireball or something.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    wasnt that fireball thing that dradeel does some sort of ice storm? in the original ToSC icestorm did exist for a spell but it was a bit different then how it ran in bg2, same with powerword kill
  • breuddwydiwrbreuddwydiwr Member Posts: 5
    meagloth said:

    Kaigen said:

    Killing Shandalar counts as "Killing an Innocent," which has a scaling reputation loss depending on your current reputation. Never tried killing Dradeel, so I don't know if there's a hit for killing him.

    Both of them loose you rep, and both are harder than it seems it would be. Dradeel has some jacked-up holy fireball or something.
    dradeel indeed have some kind of ice storm that can kill even 60hp char instantly, but you dont loose reputation for it, trust me. (tutu with gibberling)
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