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Is it a viable composition?

Hello guys , I'm a newcomer here and I never finished Shadows of Amn.

I didn't play the game for something like 10 years , things seem easier than before now but I still wonder if I will be able to finish the game.

I wanted to share my party composition with you to know what you people think of it. I'm no asking for replacements advices (i'd like to check by myself chars feating better) but mostly i want to know if the game is finishable with this setup.

So i'm at act2 now and here's my squad :

inquisitor : Keldorn
druid fighter : jaheira
fighter : mazzy
archer : me (elven archer , shortbow)
mage/cleric : aerie
mage/thief : the mighty Jan Jenser


  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Looks good. The weakest link in your party would be your two multi-classed mages in my opinion - in a full party you'll be getting your strongest mage spells very late. That said you have all the essentials of a balanced party covered, so I think it's an entirely viable party altogether.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    In short, yes, that's a pretty powerful party.

    The only weakness I can see is that you have no single-class or dual-class Mages, so you will constantly run into enemy mages with higher level spells, which could be a problem if you didn't have Keldorn. But since you got Keldorn, it's no biggie.
  • JHoWnJHoWn Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for the answers guys, i remember that my issue was exactly this the first time i played the game (even if my setup was different). I had a lot of troubles against high level mages with time stop and some kind of invulnerability globe that i didn't manage to dispell.

    Still , if you tell me this party is viable I will go with it , i like the setup , only thing I hate is Aerie being such a whiny **** but she is key to my balance so ....

    Another question I had is , As far as i remember , from chapter 4 there is no coming back to athkatla for side questing or anything until the end of the game, so i guess i should do a maximum of quests before going there? Or maybe I am wrong.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    When you want to leave Athkatla mostly depends on whether you want Imoen in your party or not. Since she doesn't scale with your level, the higher level you are when you get to her, the weaker she'll be. Otherwise, it all depends on how strong you want to be for the chapters ahead of you. Regardless of whether you're taking Imoen along, I'd recommend doing a minimum of 2 or 3 'class' side quests.
  • JHoWnJHoWn Member Posts: 8
    I do not want imoen in my team actually, I am unsure of what you mean by class side quests by assume you mean big quests like , the unseeing one or the dungeon in the ruins of the temples.

    If I want to slain dragons then I must do it before leaving if i understood you well? i will level up until level 10-11 on most of my chars i suppose.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    JHoWn said:

    If I want to slain dragons then I must do it before leaving if i understood you well? i will level up until level 10-11 on most of my chars i suppose.

    No, you can do that after you come back. You'll be away for Chapters 4 and 5, but you'll be back for Chapter 6, and you can do most of the side-quests in Chapter 6 if you prefer.

    As for your original question, yes, I agree with others that the game can be finished with your existing party, although I couldn't call it ideally balanced because of the lack of a Mage who can progress at full speed. Hint: are you really sure that you don't want to keep Imoen when you reach her?
  • JHoWnJHoWn Member Posts: 8
    I know that Imoen is a strong mage , but if i compare her dialogues to Jan Jensen I just pick Jan for the sake of my mind :P
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Keldorn will take care of any dispelling you might need.
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