Exploit fixes?

I've been reading up on the upcoming BG Enhanced Edition and it seems as though some improvements are being made to the original game. However, I can't find any information anywhere on if anything is being done about the notorious game exploits there were in BG1. Are any of them going to be fixed?
Such exploits I'm talking about are:
*Monster Summoning spam - Immobilizing and confusing any enemy, even powerful bosses, by crowding them with monsters.
*Ring of Wizardry - find one at the beginning of the game in the grass then sell it to buy out every end-game item sold in Beregost.
*Thief De-aggro - Walk into an area while stealthed, backstab enemy, run back out, enemy forgets about you, run back in, backstab again, repeat until everything is dead.
*Wand spam - Just spam wands of fireball repeatedly into any open area until enemies are dead before they even see you. With 50 charges each you never run out of spells.
And so on and so forth.
Sure, you don't HAVE to do these things while playing, but I find it kind of annoying to have to actively avoid exploiting when the original game made it so easy. Players shouldn't have to make up their own game rules to compensate for developer screw-ups.
I'm hoping things such as this will end up being fixed. If not then I'll be pretty disappointed.
Such exploits I'm talking about are:
*Monster Summoning spam - Immobilizing and confusing any enemy, even powerful bosses, by crowding them with monsters.
*Ring of Wizardry - find one at the beginning of the game in the grass then sell it to buy out every end-game item sold in Beregost.
*Thief De-aggro - Walk into an area while stealthed, backstab enemy, run back out, enemy forgets about you, run back in, backstab again, repeat until everything is dead.
*Wand spam - Just spam wands of fireball repeatedly into any open area until enemies are dead before they even see you. With 50 charges each you never run out of spells.
And so on and so forth.
Sure, you don't HAVE to do these things while playing, but I find it kind of annoying to have to actively avoid exploiting when the original game made it so easy. Players shouldn't have to make up their own game rules to compensate for developer screw-ups.
I'm hoping things such as this will end up being fixed. If not then I'll be pretty disappointed.

what i mean is, there are always exploits and cheese in games, some are harder to find then others, but in a game like this, part of the fun is the freedom you get from playing. I can go around casting fireball and spamming backstab, but i'm not playing evil, and i see that as something a good char wouldn't do. I can go around killing everyone in the game since it does allow me, but if i'm playing a good char, i'm not going to do it.
Kinda like saying in dnd that you do something because you can. Part of dnd is balancing choice and consequence. In pen in paper, typically your char deals with the consequences, but not always. If you find it boring to play a good char, then you'll face them.
Anyways, would be nice to have better enemy ai and for the game to be about 3 times harder, but i don't see them doing that one, but there are mods out there to make the game more difficult and you may enjoy those more. They have to keep the diff balanced so people don't complain that the game is too hard. Lots of people say nes games are too hard or demon/dark souls is too hard, but i enjoy them because of the diff, so up to you. But as far as it goes, they should be updating ai, but the rest of your questions/complaints, i don't think it's gonna happen.
I always kept the ring though. Too useful. The weapons in beregost were good but a mage who can keep casting through the entire battle is worth more than a thief who can hide and stab well.
Plus the real fix would be to stop selling so many magic weapons. Somethings are priceless. Instead put them in the hands of powerful foes and make them disappear soon after being sold. It is not a market that should be easy to access for random travelers. Especially if you consider that an evil villain should be able to kill you and loot your whole stash. Also why should bob the merchant have that much gold to pay you for that magic flail? He shouldn't have more than a couple hundred gold one day to the next. Only rich guys in the city or Taerom should have that kind of cash and security.