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Release Date Question

sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
Perhaps it's already been covered on here, but if so I didn't see it,
Anyway, its been announced that bgee will be preloadable and will be unlocked on September 18th.
Does that mean Midnight of the 18th, and if so, what time zone?


  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    hmmm that's a good question, but i guess yeah, midnight would probably be how they would go with it.
    but no, i haven't seen it mentioned anywhere either.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    edited August 2012
    If you don't already know, but are curious about this, @TrentOster said yesterday in the AMA:
    "Yes, we will be supporting pre-loading for those who pre-purchase the game. We're probably going to kick it live sometime in the morning of the 18th (MDT) so we can at least be present for the fireworks and fix what catches fire."
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Pre-loading is good, since things might get nasty and go almighty bollocks before you are able to get the actual game. Imagine buying BGEE and not being able to play it until the 23rd of September - SUMMER'S OVER, SUE MR. OSTER!

    As for the timezone when it will be unlocked - it's Edmonton's timezone for sure... which means GMT.... -8? I am not sure, don't know timezones by heart >.<
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    edited August 2012
    If I'm not mistaken, it's GMT -7 normally, but right now it's Mountain Daylight Time rather than Mountain Standard Time. So Currently it's GMT -6.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    That answer confuses me more than I was. If pre-loading kicks off on the 18th (the release date), then I'm having trouble defining 'PRE'. I feel like I'm missing a teensy eensy tiny little detail.
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175

    That answer confuses me more than I was. If pre-loading kicks off on the 18th (the release date), then I'm having trouble defining 'PRE'. I feel like I'm missing a teensy eensy tiny little detail.

    Pre-loading should begin early Sept. "Kicking it live" i.e. turning the light on for the game, will happen 9/18 in the a.m.

    Read: A bunch of people will be sitting at their computers waiting for the green light. Then all hell will break loose.

    Or hells. ALL NINE OF THEM. :)

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    We'll receive an email with instructions, IIRC.
  • TrentOsterTrentOster Administrator, Developer Posts: 433
    This is correct. We're just sorting the last issues on the launcher. We've got some more testing planned for it and then when we have a stable main data set we'll start pre-loading. At the latest, a week before release.

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