Release Date Question

Perhaps it's already been covered on here, but if so I didn't see it,
Anyway, its been announced that bgee will be preloadable and will be unlocked on September 18th.
Does that mean Midnight of the 18th, and if so, what time zone?
Anyway, its been announced that bgee will be preloadable and will be unlocked on September 18th.
Does that mean Midnight of the 18th, and if so, what time zone?
but no, i haven't seen it mentioned anywhere either.
"Yes, we will be supporting pre-loading for those who pre-purchase the game. We're probably going to kick it live sometime in the morning of the 18th (MDT) so we can at least be present for the fireworks and fix what catches fire."
As for the timezone when it will be unlocked - it's Edmonton's timezone for sure... which means GMT.... -8? I am not sure, don't know timezones by heart >.<
Read: A bunch of people will be sitting at their computers waiting for the green light. Then all hell will break loose.