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Moving Portraits between the Enhanced Edition Titles (Ignore, solved)

SergeTroySergeTroy Member Posts: 86
Hey all, first time poster long time lover of the games. Thanks for reading this, responses much appreciated!

I really love the new portraits in both BG1 & BG2 of the Enhanced Edition, which is why I'm more than a little frustrated at the difficulty in finding out how to move the portraits from BG into BG2 for an imported character and, just as importantly, from BG2 back into BG1 as there are some beautiful portraits there that should be easily useable. I'm only able to locate via the exporting of character files & saved games, the small portrait for the character's and not the large and medium. Is there anyone that knows anything about ways to get around this as while I'm surely happy to hear that it may be coming out via patches, it does seem that there should be a way to do this yourself manually. I myself am not skilled with photoshop or anything like that and wouldn't be purchasing extra software just to do what I feel should have been an already included feature already. I can download free programs and have a decent standard option list on my machine. Is there anyone that can suggest a solution to this? The portraits are real beauties and it's very frustrating to think that I can't have a good sense of continuity.

On another side of things: Is the Ascension mod ready on either hand, relatively bug free, for BG2:EE? Doesn't seem to be but that's a minor concern as I'm loving SCS & BG Tweaks options.

Edit: And NVM, I just found the thread that explains how to use EE Keeper to extract the bit maps after electing to change portrait. So, uh, yeah.
Post edited by SergeTroy on


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