Somebody want to help me get the new BG:EE portraits into BGII:EE

It seems like an oversight that they aren't already in the game. After all, it's encouraged to take your BG1 character into BGII.
So, does anybody want to help me get the new BG:EE portraits into BGII:EE? I'm well-versed in how to get custom portraits working, but I have no access to the files themselves. Could I have some help with this?
So, does anybody want to help me get the new BG:EE portraits into BGII:EE? I'm well-versed in how to get custom portraits working, but I have no access to the files themselves. Could I have some help with this?
Unzip in the main BG:EE folder (the one with chitin.key) and run the setup to export the portraits in the subfolder Erg_PrtExp\Exported. This mod doesn't change anything in-game and does not add a record to WeiDU.log, so you don't have to uninstall it when you are done. The current version exports only the large portraits, but you can easily resize them with any software for image editing.
The mod has only been tested with BG:EE.
It also works in reverse. Attached are all BGEE and BG2EE portraits.
Attachment removed. Portraits from the Jason Manley and Keiren Yanner portrait packs may not be posted, as they are DLCs for tablets. -J.
Thanks anyway y'all.
< <
Unless using WeiDU mods is against your religion or something :P
Though truthfully I don't even know how WeiDU works anyway.
If you're using Windows, that mod has it with it, so you don't need to do anything else but ran the setup-[modname].exe file.