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Thanks for helping with this mod

XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
@CrevsDaak‌ OKAY so here's the TP2, thanks for helping me out, I honestly hope it wasn't just a stupid oversight of mine

BACKUP ~Lorethief/Backup~
AUTHOR ~Xavioria~

VERSION ~v1.3~

BEGIN ~Add Lorethief kit for Bards~

INCLUDE ~Lorethief/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~


~RL#LRT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~RL#LRT 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~RL#LRT 0 12 0 13 0 15~
~RL#LRT 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~RL#LRT 0 17 0 0 0 17~
~RL#LRT 0 15 0 0 0 15~
~RL#LRT 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0~
~RL#LRT 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~0x00000008 5~
~CHAN12 * * BAG30 RING06 RING34 CLCK02 BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT10 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 DAGG12 SW1H28 STAF08~
SAY ~lorethief~
SAY ~Lorethief~
SAY ~Lorethief: The "Magic Burglar" is an unwise practitioner in the art of magery. He has an affinity for the arcane, much like a mage does; however prefers to pilfer this knowledge, instead of wasting time studying. This approach has made him more powerful than an average bard, but the reckless pursuit of magical attunement has resulted in an unpredictable practitioner. Having this penchant for magery has also made the Lorethief beffudled when using certain weaponry.
- Gains a -1 to casting speed
- Gains an extra wizard spell per spellcasting level
- Cannot use Ranged weapons
- Cannot become proficient with two-handed weapons
- Chance of wild surge upon spell cast~

LAF fl#add_kit_ee


biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Lorethief1~)
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Lorethief: The "Magic Burglar" is an unwise practitioner in the art of magery. He has an affinity for the arcane, much like a mage does; however prefers to pilfer this knowledge, instead of wasting time studying. This approach has made him more powerful than an average bard, but the reckless pursuit of magical attunement has resulted in an unpredictable practitioner. Having this penchant for magery has also made the Lorethief beffudled when using certain weaponry.
- Gains a -1 to casting speed
- Gains an extra wizard spell per spellcasting level
- Cannot use Ranged weapons
- Cannot become proficient with two-handed weapons
- Chance of wild surge upon spell cast~)


kit_name = ~RL#LRT~

clswpbon = ~0 0 3~

numwslot = ~2~

traplimt = ~6~

clascolr = ~24 67 56 2 25~

thiefscl = ~100 0 0 0 0 0 0~

hpclass = ~HPRL#LRT~

clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 0 1 0 0~

clasthac = ~0~


COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt01.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt01.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt02.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt02.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt03.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt03.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt04.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt04.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt05.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt05.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt06.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt06.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt07.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt07.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt08.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt08.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY ~Lorethief/spells/rl#lrt09.spl~ ~override/rl#lrt09.spl~
SAY 0xC #-1

COPY ~Lorethief/Tables/HPRL#LRT.2da~ ~override/HPRL#LRT.2da~


  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I can't see the error on your .TP2, seems like an error in Wisp's .tpa, but I have some recommendations about it...
    Xavioria said:

    clswpbon = ~0 0 3~

    numwslot = ~2~

    traplimt = ~6~

    clascolr = ~24 67 56 2 25~

    thiefscl = ~100 0 0 0 0 0 0~

    hpclass = ~HPRL#LRT~

    clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 0 1 0 0~

    clasthac = ~0~

    If you aren't changing these values (and are setting them to the TrueClass Bard's default), I'd recommend removing the setting of those variables altogether. Same goes with the HP table, if there's not a custom one, the vanilla Bard's one will be used.

    Xavioria said:

    biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Lorethief1~)

    That will set the biography to Lorethief1 like you see it there, I'm not sure if you are using it as a placeholder, but if you aren't just remove it.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    well it is a place holder atm, because I wasn't sure where in game it would be located, but if it IS an issue with wisps TPA then doesn't that mean that there are still issues that need to be cleaned up? The one i downloaded was the one that was being offered in the stickied post that brought us here. Thank much for your help though, I guess I should have figured it was the Tpa but I make so many mistakes that I figure as much.

    In terms of the values, I MAY change them in the future, and I figure it would be easier to just keep them up there as opposed to remove them altogether, but again thanks for your input. I honestly didn't know that the values would be defaulted if they weren't there, so thanks for the info :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @subtledoctor thanks for the help, but @CrevsDaak helped me out with a fix already. Had nothing to do with my tp2 and more to do with the tpa i had downloaded. I have since gotten a better one, and everything is working as it should. ATM i am just updating and fine tuning the class so that it will be more interesting. At the moment, it's just a bit bare bones and I really want my first class to be a bit more vibrant.

    Again thank you for your help, I can't imagine a more helpful group of people than those who play and mod the Baldur's Gate Trilogy
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @subledoctor the character # is insde the original ansi ascii characters and work in all the enviroments and don't need any the new stuff like the change on the EEs text encoding. All of the ansi ascii characters work as file names on any of the IE games.

    Special characters are things like ÿ, £, œ, •, ę, ä, etc (and those are the _classic_ special characters). These secial characters can't be used for names (on files/Iists/tables/anything the engine reads directly) on ANY of the IE games.

    BTW, the .tpa doesn't run if the game isn't BG(2):EE.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    The problem with symbols in the kit name has nothing to do with text encoding. The EE engine loads 2DA files into a sql database or something, and the sql parser only accepts alphanumerics or something to that effect. To my knowledge, the official response has been to accommodate the parser.
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