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G3 belatedly celebrates 11th anniversary; two new mods and six updates for BGEE

CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
edited September 2014 in BG:EE Mods
G3 celebrated its 11th anniversary on September 18th. To celebrate, we're releasing three new mods--BG1 Romantic Encounters, Vynd, and NPC Strongholds--and have updates for nine others. Two of the new mods and seven of the updated mods can be played on BGEE:

Vynd NPC Now Available!

Glam Vrock debuts Vynd, a Drow Assassin, recruitable at the Burning Wizard inn in Beregost. Though evil in alignment, he will not complain or leave due to reputation. Vynd includes a dialogue track with the player character consisting of 20 talks, banters with all Bioware NPCs (including the four Enhanced Edition newcomers), numerous interjections and extensive player-initiated dialogue. Learn more about Vynd on his project page or readme, download the mod, or join us on the forums.

Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Now Available

jastey and her expansive team of coders and writers have been hard at work producing a Baldur's Gate (BG, Tutu, BGT, BGEE) version of the popular Romantic Encounters mod, adding several encounters and quests all over the game. For BG1RE, not every component deals with the PC trying to sneak into someone's pants or vice versa. BG1RE aims at populating BG1 with romantic encounters, intense dialogues, unexpected private dinners, romantic traces of long lost times, and real quests that all deal with true love, fulfilled or unfulfilled. It also offers encounters for the PC's quick relief, of course, with either paid companions or willing strangers. For some encounters, the female PC should brush herself, as it might be she comes out flustered if she doesn't stop in time. More information can be found on the project page or readme. Join us on the forums or head straight to the downloads page.

Baldur's Gate II Tweak Pack v15 Available for Download

The BG2 Tweak Pack is a WeiDU compilation of fixes, cosmetic changes, and tweaks. Some of these were fan requests, others are needed fixes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install. Version 15 includes three new components, fixes for foreign languages on EE games, and a slew of bug fixes. You can get it from the downloads page, browse the Readme or project page, or join us on the forum.

BG Quests and Encounters v9 Released

This is a mini-mod for all BG games: "vanilla" BG (with or without the add-on Tales of the Sword Coast), BG1Tutu v4, EasyTutu, BGT, and BGEE. It adds several small quests and encounters to the game, including the "slime quest", jastey's former stand alone BG1 mini quest mod. Version 9 adds a new encounter, expands another, expands NPC reactions to events, and is now modular. Available for Windows, OS X, and Linux, you can get it from the Downloads page, browse the readme (English, German) or project page, or join us on the forum.

Garrick's Infatuation Beta Updated

The Garrick's Infatuation mod allows Gorion's foster daughter to explore a closer acquaintance with her very first biographer through a series of 25 conversations. The flirtation is available to females of any race, class, or alignment and it begins shortly after Garrick is recruited. The mod is intended for the Baldur's Gate segment of the saga and is fully compatible with the BG1 NPC Project, though the latter is not required. The new beta fixes a banter loop and corrects several typos in the text. Download the mod, check out the readme and project page, or learn more on the forum.

Kivan and Deheriana Companions for BG2 v14 Now Available

Kivan and Deheriana is a WeiDU mod that adds a joinable NPC from BG, Kivan, and under certain circumstances, his elven wife Deheriana to the cast of BG2 actors. With the v14 release, this mod is now fully compatible with Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. For more information, please visit the project page and readme or join us on the forum. The mod can be downloaded directly from the download center.

Song and Silence v6 Released

This mod adds many options to those who use rogues and bards in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, BG2: Shadows of Amn (with or without the expansion pack Throne of Bhaal) and with the mod conversions Baldur's Gate Trilogy and Baldur's Gate Tutu. Version 6 adds full compatibility for BGEE, BGIIEE, and BGT and features overall code optimization. Available for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, you can download the new version, join us on the forum, read full notes in the readme, or learn more on the project page.

Version 4 of the NPC Kitpack Is Released

Idobek's NPC Kitpack is designed to add four new kits and provide the opportunity to give a kit to eight of the BioWare NPCs. Version 4 adds Polish and Russian translations, and makes the mod fully compatible with Enhanced Edition games. You can find it on the downloads page, browse the readme or project page, or join us on the forum.

edit: bad math
Post edited by CamDawg on


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  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Yeah, I've actually had S&S and Tweaks ready to go for a bit now. Trying to coordinate a 12-mod release is not the easiest.
  • cognoscentuscognoscentus Member Posts: 65
    Bravo! Encore, Encore!
  • cognoscentuscognoscentus Member Posts: 65
    edited September 2014
    @CamDawg I received the following error while trying to install the NPC kitpack. It occurs from both clicking the executable npckit-v4 and from unpacking to the 00783 folder then clicking SETUP-NPCKIT. I thank you for your time and effort.

    [C:\Program Files (x86)\BeamDog\Games\00783\setup-npckit.exe] WeiDU version 23600

    In state 515, I expected one of these tokens:
    [0] EOF
    [19] AUTO_TRA
    [46] BEGIN
    [47] LOAD
    [81] VERSION
    [194] LANGUAGE
    [224] NO_IF_EVAL_BUG
    [257] MODDER
    [259] MENU_STYLE
    [299] QUICK_MENU
    [340] SCRIPT_STYLE
    [377] ALWAYS
    [390] README
    Parse error (state 515) at END

    [NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 36 column 1-3
    Near Text: END
    GLR parse error

    [NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2] ERROR at line 36 column 1-3
    Near Text: END
    ERROR: parsing [NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
    ERROR: problem parsing TP file [NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

    FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

    Press ENTER to exit.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    That's definitely my screwup for pulling the wrong folder in my package build. I've updated v4 on G3--download again and see if that works.
  • cognoscentuscognoscentus Member Posts: 65
    Thank you, Mr. Dawg!
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