Best pc character?

What class do you think player character are better at playing?. Im not talking extreme power builds but just a major difference that a player created character fills the role a lot better,
Besides, extreme power builds are exactly what the player is best at.
And some of the backstabs with enchanted quarterstaves (after potions and cleric buffs) were absolutely devastating. The only downside was that by the end of ToB all the major bad guys are immune to backstab. In any event, for 95% of the game it was so satisfying to obliterate at least one opponent per battle in such a manner. He certainly held his own in regular combat as well.
At the end of the day though you can finish the game with most party builds so just going with what you like works fine.
If we're talking the entire series... Well go figure, I vote the same. At least Haer'Dalis is a badass. He's just dumb as a brick so actually successfully transcribing scrolls with him is a pain.
If I'm going to narrow it down, we'll just say any kit dual-classed into Thief, or maybe a level 12ish thief dual-classed into wizard. It always bothered me there wasn't a dedicated thief character for BG2. Imoen can do anything you need a thief to do as long as you haul around some potions of master thievery, but that still means you have no one to rig traps with and no one to get that meaty x5 backstab modifier. I know there's Jan, but being multi-classed it takes him a bajillion years to actually gain any extra thievery outside of the basics.
I'd recommend Archer, Fighter/Berseker or Inquisitor after that. Kensai is great, but it's harder for soloing - so many potions are required.
If you like taking a back seat and manipulating the game from the shadows, I'd go Mage/Thief. If you do not want to be powerful but want to make your party so, go Cleric, Fighter/Cleric or Mage.