Experience increasement on item pr kill/quest/spelllearn/trap etc
in BGII:EE Mods
Why dont this work? I tryed Set%(2) Set(1) and they dont work. Set%(2) only set my xp to 30% of what i got now :S
I want to gain 30% more exp when i gain exp ;d It's located in Robe Of Vecna :P
I want to gain 30% more exp when i gain exp ;d It's located in Robe Of Vecna :P
Is it possible to use math? Like =value*1,30 or smt? :P
Okay, but when i had 30 there, it made my exp. into 30 percent of what i total had, so i think if I do it like that it will add 30% XP (130% of what i have now) while its equipped, then back to normal when i take it off again. Unless i can change the: While Equiped/Permanent until death. It still wont have the effect im looking for. I wan't when i kill a monster, isntead of getting 1000xp from it, i want 1300xp :P