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Experience increasement on item pr kill/quest/spelllearn/trap etc

Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 240
Why dont this work? I tryed Set%(2) Set(1) and they dont work. Set%(2) only set my xp to 30% of what i got now :S

I want to gain 30% more exp when i gain exp ;d It's located in Robe Of Vecna :P


  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 240
    Can any1 help me? :)
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 240
    Ehm, i tested now, but it did only added 30 exp. Not 30% ;d Hmm^^ How can i make it add 30%? :)

    Is it possible to use math? Like =value*1,30 or smt? :P
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited October 2014
    I'm no expert in using NI, but from my naive understanding the problem seems to be in "Modifier Type - Increment" - that should be "Multiplier" or something along those lines. That's why you only gain a flat +value instead of a *value. But it's been literal years since I used NI...
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    According to the description of the effect for BG II on the IESDP website,
    #104 (0x104) Stat: Experience Points [104]
    Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
    Parameter #2: Type
    Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Cumulative Modifier -> XP = XP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
    1 Flat Value Modifier -> XP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
    2 Percentage Modifier -> XP = (XP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
    you would need to use option 2 Set% and set the modifier value to 130.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 240
    Isaya said:

    According to the description of the effect for BG II on the IESDP website,

    #104 (0x104) Stat: Experience Points [104]
    Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
    Parameter #2: Type
    Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.
    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Cumulative Modifier -> XP = XP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
    1 Flat Value Modifier -> XP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
    2 Percentage Modifier -> XP = (XP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
    you would need to use option 2 Set% and set the modifier value to 130.

    Okay, but when i had 30 there, it made my exp. into 30 percent of what i total had, so i think if I do it like that it will add 30% XP (130% of what i have now) while its equipped, then back to normal when i take it off again. Unless i can change the: While Equiped/Permanent until death. It still wont have the effect im looking for. I wan't when i kill a monster, isntead of getting 1000xp from it, i want 1300xp :P
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