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Making Malificent. How do i make horns? How can i change cape to look more like hers?

Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 282
Hi :)
Im making Malificent. Using Wings01(helm) and a awsome staff wich can throw magic missle.
Type: elf
Class: Cleric/Mage (done by eekeeper since elf could not be C/M)

When i put on the wings helm i get wings, but i also want here to display horns as well. Im not able to copy horns from forexample kiel's helmet, how do i do this? Or is there any other horns wich looks more like malificent's ones?

Throwing Staff Narbucchad's Demise +1:
I do like this staff, but i want it to cast a symbol looking like roots or smt instead, so its more like here spellcasting ^^

Speedy spellcasting:
I want to shorten the time between spell casting/using albilities etc like the improved alacrity spell in bg2ee, this mod i would prefer to have via item effect :P I also want to shorten the time to cast both priest and mage spells like robe of vecna forexample ;d

Modifying class:
I wanna modify this exact class(C/M) into:
- Be able to get +3 profience with staff, and +3 profience with 2handed wepons.
- Also want to modify elf to have: +1 bonus to thaco with staff.
- Also want thaco to improve with +1 bonus each lvl of mage.


  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 282
    damn forgot the question:
    Can any1 help me? :D I use NearInfinity
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 282
    Speedy spellcasting:
    I fixed both theese now myself :D
  • JitterBugJitterBug Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2014
    can add alacrity and reduce spell casting time with ee keeper as well via effects. As for the visuals I've got no idia.
    Aura Cleansing - Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing is in the "Type" drop down menu select that change target to self and Modifier Type to 1 and you have permanent alacrity. As for casting time Modifier theres a separate affect for both mage spells and cleric spells which you can find at
    Can do the proficiencies with ee keeper as well though 2 handed weapons only have 2 points to put in. As for your thaco you want +1thaco with staff type only not granted by proficiency I don't know. For losing 1 thaco perlevel might change stat 54-thaco modifier to a percentage modifier but than you'de presumably just lose 2 thaco every time it went down instead of 1 so it wouldnt be every level, The alternative is to just edit it your self every level via ee keeper or mod mages themselves.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 282
    JitterBug said:

    can add alacrity and reduce spell casting time with ee keeper as well via effects. As for the visuals I've got no idia.
    Aura Cleansing - Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing is in the "Type" drop down menu select that change target to self and Modifier Type to 1 and you have permanent alacrity. As for casting time Modifier theres a separate affect for both mage spells and cleric spells which you can find at
    Can do the proficiencies with ee keeper as well though 2 handed weapons only have 2 points to put in. As for your thaco you want +1thaco with staff type only not granted by proficiency I don't know. For losing 1 thaco perlevel might change stat 54-thaco modifier to a percentage modifier but than you'de presumably just lose 2 thaco every time it went down instead of 1 so it wouldnt be every level, The alternative is to just edit it your self every level via ee keeper or mod mages themselves.

    Thank you, i already got help with all this in another topic now, exept for the horns :P
    I can now mod what effects i want in nearinfinity, im currently working my way into weidu now xD Its hard xD But i hope i can manage that in time as well :D

    Thank you for your link, yes priest spells are very slow, ill have a look on that link :D
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