Itching to re-install BG...

... with the release date getting closer I really want to re-install the BG games just to roll up a few characters. However I'm going to hold off because I doubt we will be able to export out of vanilla BG into BG:EE and knowing my luck I'll get some awesome rolls which will be wasted.
Plus it helps to build the anticipation for BG:EE.
Anyone else got this urge?
Plus it helps to build the anticipation for BG:EE.
Anyone else got this urge?
Then of course we have the potential Blackguard class which we still don't know the features of...
I'm hoping you are right though - as tedious as some people find it I like rolling the stats for a new character (usually for far too long!)
Every single day I have to make my willpower saving throw.. and every single day it gets harder.
I have already reached the point where I need to cast Owls Wisdom before I roll the save, just to have any chance of making it
Here is a link to the interview.
I will definitely be waiting for the EE to come out before playing the game. I want to save all the excitement and anticipation for the 18th.