[(BG1) Bug] Fuller's extra dialogue (0813)
Fuller Dialogue
Open additional dialogue by Fuller who will when asked inform player of the location of Hull's sword.
Direct from Dudley.
Open additional dialogue by Fuller who will when asked inform player of the location of Hull's sword.
Direct from Dudley.
Fuller, AR2618 and Hull, AR2600 - contains a missing response due to an incomplete trigger. Hull also needs to have an action set to allow this trigger.
- In FULLER.DLG change trigger in [Response 0] from PartyHasItem("") to Global("HelpHull","GLOBAL",1) !HasItem("SW1H12",LastTalkedToBy()).
- In HULL.DLG add action in [Response 0] SetGlobal("HelpHull","GLOBAL",1).
- Change actions in [Response 1] and [Response 3] to SetGlobal("HelpHull","GLOBAL",2).
- Change trigger in [State 2] to Global("HelpHull","GLOBAL",1).
- Increase weight of [State trigger 5] to position 3 moving subsequent triggers down by one position. This can be done easily in the DLTCEP utility.
Post edited by Bhryaen on
The original fix method was a bit better. It would also check !HasItem("SW1H12",LastTalkedToBy()
But this is only a small problem
You now have an additional line when talking to Fuller where you can ask about Hull's stuff IF you have already spoken to Hull first.
Fuller has extra dialog option lines if you've spoken to Hull.