Kivan doesn't acts like we visited the Bandit Camp yet

So i finally made it to chapter 5 and when i tried to drop Kivan off at Nashkel he acted like i blew off the mission and ditch me. So how get to keep him as a recruitable? I want to be able to ditch this guy whenever i need to.
But doing so cause my Kivan lvl 4 to become a lvl 6 Kivan. He lost his equipment... So he's lost the good bow i gave him and it revert back to his cheap one. Lost the helmet i gave him... plus the all the good arrows.
This time. I send him inside the barracks of Naskel by himself in the far back. Clicked back on the party and had them go to the tavern where Volo's was staying. Before sending them into the tavern. I went into the record screen, kicked out Kivan and went inside the tavern. Waited about a minute, went back to the barracks. Check to the back to find that the new lvl 6 Kivan was waiting for me. Before doing this though.. I made sure to take all of his goodies... Because he LOSES them once he is replaced by the new Kivan.
I'll bet your CHARNAME is level 5 or better, isn't he?
The level of an NPC when you recruit him is based on your CHARNAME's level at the moment of recruiting, regardless of whether or not you ever had that NPC in the party before.
In essence, you created a situation that was as if you had never picked him up in High Hedge. Then, when you recruited him again, the engine selected the file for the default version of Kivan that is pre-defined to match up with your CHARNAME's level.
If your CHARNAME is 5th Level or grated, recruiting Kivan will always default to a 6th Level instance of Kivan. As far as the engine is concerned, this is a 'different' NPC than the one that you dropped off. It looks to the default values of the hard-coded 6L Kivan character file to define equipment on the 'new' recruit, not to the temp character file you dropped from the party. When the 'new' Kivan is activated in the instance of the game, the old one is inactivated; probably overwritten as a temp file.
Original NPCs are spawned at a level comparable to your own when you first enter the area where you appear. Those NPCs are not "upgraded" after they have been spawned.
New (Beamdog) NPCs upgrade themselves in their scripts when they join your party for the first time. They do not upgrade themselves after they've joined your party.
The rest of dreamrider's description does sound like what happened, but without mods, I can't easily explain what happened. We'll queue this up to have a look in more detail.
Does this mean that I could take my CHARNAME quickly around to appear briefly on each map where I expect to eventually recruit a key character, and thereby lock in the lowest level version of the NPC that appears on that map?
(Hmm. Won't help much with Coran or later NPC's. You still need to clear the Bandit Camp to unlock the first Cloakwood area.)
In Chapter 5 i was lvl 5 and in my play through i recruited Kivan the first chance i got. Because i heard he doesn't stick around if you don't get him by Chapter 3 i could be wrong. Can you ignore him at high hedge and wait until Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 to recruit and he will be the lvl 6 with the updated intel on the bandit camp update?