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Random feedback from the first time player

baal80baal80 Member Posts: 7

After (finally) finishing this awesome game yesterday for the first time, here is my random and completely subjective feedback. Don't take it very seriously, however maybe someone finds it useful :)

1. Always go for the mage first.
2. Inventory management gets very boring very fast - on my next playthrough I will definitely provide myself with a bag of holding.
3. Quick save is your friend.
4. Go. For. The. Mage.
5. Money is pretty much useless (I think I've only bought the Dagger of Venom for Imoen during the whole playthrough).
6. Healing potions are good, other potions you can get by without.
7. Wands are useful.
8. You *will* trigger the trap on your last step.
9. Don't be shy to rest often.
10. The game can be frustrating at times - in such cases just Alt+F4 and count to ten (or nuke the mage!)
11. I don't like the music, and in general I love fantasy music themes (TES, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft)
12. I feel I have only scrubbed the surface of the game. I plan to dig deeper after playing through BG2:EE which I also bought and plan to start playing soon.
13. Seriously - GO FOR THE MAGE!

edit: clearly, I can't count
Post edited by baal80 on


  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    I like the music a lot. It doesn't sound much like other games.

    But if you had issues with mages in BG1 then I'm interested to see how you find BG2! Definitely either use a mage yourself or get a couple of NPC ones because you need to understand the spell system thoroughly to take on BG2 mages.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I’m glad to see your enjoying the game. :) I’m also curious what class you played.

    Like @decado I’m a fan of using the autopause settings.

    In my playthroughs, I often find myself saving up to buy the nice mage robes and fancy arrows. Love me some fire and acid arrows.

    In BGII the Robe of Venca is especially nice.

    As for the music… My heart skipped a beat here! lol I adore the music.

    Go for the mage first! :)
  • GeronGeron Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2014
    The music is about as good as it can get, imo. Essential to what makes BG 1 + 2 so great in the first place.
    Post edited by Geron on
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490

    Go for the Mage first!

    Like that one.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Just a tip. Go for the Mage first.

    On a slightly more serious note, Glad you enjoyed.

    For the most part, money is pretty much just a place holder. It isn't entirely useless as there are several items worth buying. Plus it actually shows as a 'reward' of sorts, so it has value. But yeah, after a certain point, you have so much more than you need that it is just kind of crazy. Expect that to continue in BG2:EE. Although there you will find actual use for some (small portion) of it.

    And by all means, go for the mage first.

    A tactic that I find works well is to have your thief scout the area while hiding. Have him stand behind the mage in the enemy party and strike from behind. Really this is the best use of Backstab I have found in the game. No matter how subtle a wizard, a blade between the shoulders will cramp his style.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    baal80 said:

    1. Always go for the mage first.
    4. Go. For. The. Mage.
    13. Seriously - GO FOR THE MAGE!

  • GKL206GKL206 Member Posts: 75
    Arrows of Dispelling are a good use for that surplus gold near the end. You can't possibly spend all of it, but them, and a few potions, come in handy.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    baal80 said:

    As for BG2 mages, I've read that they are even more overpowered... look like I'm in for a treat! I definitely need to look into DnD magic system more...

    One thing you'll need to look into is the various anti-magic spells. Mages in BG2 can have some powerful buffs that will make them hard to take down unless you have a mage that can dispel their defences. There are numerous spells to choose from in that regard.

  • GespenstGespenst Member Posts: 31
    Rule 0. What the DM says goes.
    Rule 1. Geek the mage first.
    Rule 3. There's no such thing as a milk run.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,006
    here is how you take down mages in bg2 with as little frustration as possible:

    if you want to use physical weapons on a mage and they aren't getting through, use breach to get pass,

    if you want to use spells on a mage and they aren't getting through use ruby ray of reversal,

    if a mage cast any illusionary spells, cast true sight

    so basically you only need 3 spells to take down any mage; breach, ruby ray, and true sight, even on my play throughs i only use breach and true sight ( my teams are usually pretty weapon heavy) there are lots of dispelling type spells in bg, but those 3 pretty much do all you need

  • Cal_ElCal_El Member Posts: 56
    In regards to items... specially all the potions... I never remember to use them as my party too busy doing its usual routine (nuke the dealiest enemy etc etc). All those Cloud Giants and other Giants must think their DNA is a waste in my game....

    Also I like Auto Pause - Weapon Broken/Unusable(or whatever)... Only until you get magic items, wondering why your fighter getting spanked to see him fighting with his dusters is not kool. Before EE though this was even more important for Arrows running out.... but 80 80 80 lasts a while so.....
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    and addendum to your rules
    14. Go for the Cleric second.
    Casting Hold Person is fun. Getting it cast at you is not.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    There are definitely a few things to spend money on early on.
    Full plate armor (if you want it early)
    Dagger of Venom
    Robe of Good/Neutral Arch Magi

    Same if you want special ammo and get a lot of spells early game.

    A good tip for a very different experience in BG1 is to install SCS (Sword Coast Stratagems) and go for the smarter AI components and tougher end battles. Silke is a whole new ballgame after that ;)
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Shadow armor is also good so you don't have to hit hide in shadows and move silently "as hard" early on. Just sayin.
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