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Will the new UI toolbar support more than 12 buttons?

agrisagris Member Posts: 581
Simple question, title says it all. Did a search and found nothing. This always seemed like an arbitrary limitation, and you really feel it playing a caster or multi-class character, with lots of spells / skills. Has Overhaul said anything about the number of toolbar buttons available? Does anyone other than me care?


  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    I deff care, as would all who play as casters (or use casters often). You think a Cleric/Thief has it bad? Imagine a sorcerer or mage/cleric ^^* We need mooaar adaptable buttons like in IWD2 :)
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    It wasn't really an arbitrary limitation. If I'm not mistaken when playing at 600x480 there actually isn't any more space on the bottom bar for more buttons.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @Tanthalas right, but that resolution was at least optional by the release of BG2.

    Does that mean we don't know if more buttons are planned?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Well, I at least hope that we can place more buttons on the quickbar. Though from Trent's twitters it looks like the old GUI is putting up a fight.
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