AEST multiplayer game BG1
Looking to get a regular game going to complete a play through at evening times, Australian Eastern Standard Time. 3-4 players.
Current roster:
Myself (swashbuckler)
Camilo (wild mage)
Archaos (blackguard)
Looking for something relaxed, RP optional, preferably a party that is in some way unconventional that everyone can have fun with. We'll commence the game with 3 and a fourth can join when they like.
This idea started with 2 guidelines:
- single class characters
- choose your class without worrying about what others are playing
Let's see how it goes anyway.
You can hit me up on skype at aram.madigan
Current roster:
Myself (swashbuckler)
Camilo (wild mage)
Archaos (blackguard)
Looking for something relaxed, RP optional, preferably a party that is in some way unconventional that everyone can have fun with. We'll commence the game with 3 and a fourth can join when they like.
This idea started with 2 guidelines:
- single class characters
- choose your class without worrying about what others are playing
Let's see how it goes anyway.
You can hit me up on skype at aram.madigan
Post edited by Wowo on
Our first play session was really fun. Had a few hiccups when the belt collecting ogre tko'd the blackguard and later when Greywolf ran down both the blackguard and the mage leaving the swashbuckler to play catch after quaffing the speed potion. Trips to the temple might add up ...
What will happen next? Hopefully something involving meeting a divine type character so the Blackguard can make it through a fight without dying ...
Stay tuned!
Anyone want to join in?