Return to the North

in IWD:EE Mods
An idea I had in 2002, some work done, a lot of work lost due to hard drive failures. No notes on what this mod was about. I do remember it had something to do with dwarves, elves and drow. The files that I do have of this mod, tell me it was a power gamers mod. Lots of nifty weapons and armor that is certainly on par with what you find in IWD.
But the question is, is it worth my time to revive? I already have work to finish on Undying 3.0, finish what I started in expanding Dark Horizons and finish with Dark Side of the Sword Coast. I push this mod aside because modding the original IWD basically sucked, and the game was never as popular as the BG games. We will have to see how EE turns out in popularity.
An idea I had in 2002, some work done, a lot of work lost due to hard drive failures. No notes on what this mod was about. I do remember it had something to do with dwarves, elves and drow. The files that I do have of this mod, tell me it was a power gamers mod. Lots of nifty weapons and armor that is certainly on par with what you find in IWD.
But the question is, is it worth my time to revive? I already have work to finish on Undying 3.0, finish what I started in expanding Dark Horizons and finish with Dark Side of the Sword Coast. I push this mod aside because modding the original IWD basically sucked, and the game was never as popular as the BG games. We will have to see how EE turns out in popularity.