(Optional) 3E Style AC

One aspect of 2nd Edition I've never really liked is its AC/THAC0 system, and from on-line experience I know I'm not along in this opinion. I would imagine it could be very confusing to new players who've never experienced 2E before - in fact, I know it can be since the original Eye of the Beholder left me wondering why leather armor offered better protection than scale mail for quite some time. (EoB - now there's a game that needs an Enhanced Edition!)
What would be great would be if we could have an option ala IWD's 3E Sneak Attack (cheers for that BTW) to switch between the default system and that used in 3E and later editions. In other words, AC would begin at 0 and armor and bonuses would increase the number rather than decrease it. Any written reference to THAC0 would be changed to attack rolls instead; many kits, spells, items, etc already use this wording anyway. Gameplay would remain exactly the same, it would only be the presentation that changed.
For reference, here's how the AC for the games' non-magical armor would look:
Leather Armor: AC 2
Studded Leather Armor: AC 3
Hide Armor: AC 4
Chainmail Armor: AC 5
Splintmail Armor: AC 6
Plate Mail: AC 7
Full Plate Mail: AC 9
What would be great would be if we could have an option ala IWD's 3E Sneak Attack (cheers for that BTW) to switch between the default system and that used in 3E and later editions. In other words, AC would begin at 0 and armor and bonuses would increase the number rather than decrease it. Any written reference to THAC0 would be changed to attack rolls instead; many kits, spells, items, etc already use this wording anyway. Gameplay would remain exactly the same, it would only be the presentation that changed.
For reference, here's how the AC for the games' non-magical armor would look:
Leather Armor: AC 2
Studded Leather Armor: AC 3
Hide Armor: AC 4
Chainmail Armor: AC 5
Splintmail Armor: AC 6
Plate Mail: AC 7
Full Plate Mail: AC 9
Post edited by nbnmare on
I'd imagine that the Backstab -> Sneak Attack option would have required far more work than this would take. Not so. Like I said, I was first exposed to this system with Eye of the Beholder 1 - which was released way back in 1991. I believe that was the first RPG I'd ever played.
And besides, that was one of my points in favor of this requests - most people who've never played an IE game before would also have never experienced 2E or older editions before; either they'd only have experience of later D&D editions/Pathfinder, other RPGs, or no RPG experience at all.
EDIT: From the tone of your post, I'm wondering if you missed the highlighted word in the following sentence: "What would be great would be if we could have an option ala IWD's 3E Sneak Attack"
Anything that makes the game easier to understand and more consistent is a good thing. Imagine a new player finishing IWD:EE first, and then giving BG:EE a try... he's gonna think his game is bugged/broken.
Yeah, it's probably too much hassle to change... but mostly because of the annoying way item descriptions work.
The game is an ADnD game. I think 3E rules are far more intuitive but IWDEE is still ADnD despite some 3E stuff.
And really, this change is pointless. Just reverse them and done.
Personally, I am waiting for IWDII EE, with it's 3E rules.
However, nobody ever links said tweet.
Oh, and later on they do say that after Adventure Y they do plan on using a more modern engine for other projects.