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Dream Game: Baldur's Gate + Neverwinter Nights

GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
Trent Oster has mentioned a few times that at some future point he would consider remaking or (at least) enhancing Neverwinter Nights. Since NWN is primarily a toolset more than a campaign or storyline, I think it would make sense, rather than try to make some superficial enhancements to it, but to remake it from the ground up.

Having said that, a dream game of mine would be a combination of the Baldur's Gate engine with it's awesome party-based gameplay and art style, and the robust multiplayer, DM, and world building tools of Neverwinter Nights. I love the power NWN gave you to build your own worlds so easily, yet I disliked many of the front-end gameplay mechanics themselves as well as the graphical style where every location felt like an empty box.

Baldur's Gate locations felt real, like an oil painting, like they could exist in another reality. I think it would be amazing to play DM in Baldur's Gate, watching your friends run through a town or dungeon, being able to spawn monsters, treasure and furniture on the fly. I'd love to join a persistent server where real players were controlling their own parties or individual heroes, completing quests and trading in town.

Some concessions would need to be made for this to work. For obvious reasons, in persistent worlds, you couldn't have everyone pausing the world whenever they felt like it. And in Client/DM sessions, you'd want things slowed down a little to be able to react quick enough to your players (perhaps movement speed slowed a bit?). The game client should be very lightweight too, like BGEE is, so anyone could play or even DM on their Ipad.

I think this could really work, especially with the 5E system since it promises to be more modular, allowing DMs to include only the pieces of prior editions that they want. I've always wanted a true D&D client on my computer, and this would certainly be it. They could also include a nice campaign (hopefully better than what we got in NWN). Would this be called Baldur's Gate 3, Neverwinter Nights 3, or maybe Baldur's Nights? :) I don't really care, either way it would be amazing.

After Overhaul finishes BGEE and BG2EE, this would be my #1 choice of what to work on next: the ultimate culmination of D&D, BG, and NWN on a digital platform.


  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2012
    oh man that would roXors your boXors... i said that the last time back in 2003 i guess. Hell yeah @TrentOster please please please DO it.

    Only problem is that this neverwinter "MMO" is to be released soon
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Would would be even better is to be able to choose what rulesets you were playing under, so that you could make any dungeon and play with any of the rulesets for your party. It would sell to everyone from the people who loved 1e, 2e, 3e, 3.5e and 4e. And even Next or any other new version out by then. And make it Multiplayer over the internet so a DM could run a "Dungeon" from home for people over the internet. The game could take care of all the dice-rolling for combat, and the DM just spawn monsters or whatnot. I think that would make whoever published it and made it a literal ton of money...
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2012

    Baldur's Gate locations felt real, like an oil painting, like they could exist in another reality. I think it would be amazing to play DM in Baldur's Gate, watching your friends run through a town or dungeon, being able to spawn monsters, treasure and furniture on the fly. I'd love to join a persistent server where real players were controlling their own parties or individual heroes, completing quests and trading in town.

    Therein lies the ironic incompatibility of the two. NWN's blocky, washed out look is a result of it's moddability. Art assets were arranged like "building blocks" to make them more modular and make custom content easier to make. BG on the other hand looks much better (still dreaming of a true hi-res BG) but it's "as is", it can't be disassembled into components and rearranged anew (at least not in a way that makes it anywhere near mod-friendly).

    But perhaps some modern engine could provide the best of two worlds.

  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    One thing I hated in NWN was the adventure divided by "chapters", ex. how we could just start in the second chapter...But I enjoyed the ones I played.
  • LRECLREC Member Posts: 68
    I always dreamed of using the NWN to create Baldur's Gate, but after making a couple of notes and thinking about it, the sheer size of Baldur's Gate intimidated me too much lol.

    Hopefully Trent Oster creates a NWN:EE; However, I would hope that if they get a contract, it lets them mess with the main storyline. NWN needs more depth in terms of items in chests, more detailed rooms, and more NPCs.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @Sylvus_Moonbow I read about that. It's actually close to realization?
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308

    @Sylvus_Moonbow I read about that. It's actually close to realization?

    From what I gathered sometime ago, yes.

    There's also a group doing BG2 on Dragon Age.
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