Taking BG for 1 or 2 more spins before launch

And curious what mods the community thinks are best to install for BG1, TotSC, BG2 and ToB.
I'm not looking for any of the npc mods, but more towards things like "Tutu v Triology and why" as well as fixpacks/tweaks and recommendations of which ones to use and possibly even which tweaks in particular.
For those curious my party for BG1 is going to be:
Myself: Blade
BG2 will be
Blade (Female PC so looking for a mod that'll allow me to romance Viconia)
?????? (Saervok for ToB)
and then XXXXXXXXXX here too
Please note my Blade will be good aligned as the entire point of this group is the redemption of Viconia and Saervok
It's just figuring out also which party members to add. With Edwin ruled out since I'm not using him through BG1 cause I wanna hear all the elven bickering (and yes I know Coran should be there to bicker too. Unfortunately then I'm stuck tanking by myself =( ).
I'm not looking for any of the npc mods, but more towards things like "Tutu v Triology and why" as well as fixpacks/tweaks and recommendations of which ones to use and possibly even which tweaks in particular.
For those curious my party for BG1 is going to be:
Myself: Blade
BG2 will be
Blade (Female PC so looking for a mod that'll allow me to romance Viconia)
?????? (Saervok for ToB)
and then XXXXXXXXXX here too
Please note my Blade will be good aligned as the entire point of this group is the redemption of Viconia and Saervok

I too am playing through the series again before 9/18. I recently completed BG1, and am now in yet another playthrough of BG2.
In the case of mod aspects being placed in BG:EE, that will make it more of a new experience for me. Hopefully not an unpleasant one, but I will not let my skepticism step ahead of itself.
Regarding the mods I use only a minimal number of mods (ascension and then only some components of atweaks, 1pp, bg2 fixpack, unfinished bussiness) and I prefer keep the game very close to vanilla. I recommend Ascension, but the final battle was hard for me and I was not able to finish it yet.
Btw now I play as a neutral good human wizard slayer. Other party members are Minsc, Imoen, Jaheira, Aerie and I plan to have Mr. S in ToB. I failed to beat Ascension several years ago, so now I want to try again.
I wonder how will the wizard slayer work in ToB, especially his cumulative 10% magic disrupt ability. I have only recently learned that you actually do not need to cause any damage to spellcaster and the ability work even if the spellcaster is protected by e.g. improved mantle. So far I was able to kill two liches at level 9.
@Anduine I understand your wanting to keep it pure. I've been playing them for over a decade and only in the last few years started accepting even things like Tutu into my regimen. So I understand where you're coming from
I'm also having to resist the urge to Shadowkeeper my bard to elf just cause I want the extra thaco. *sigh* An Elven Blade Bard would be really cool too. Oh well.
I was considering whether to install the grand mastery tweak or not and in the end decide not to install it. I felt it would give me an advantage, which was not intended by the authors of the original game. For the same reason I also do not like the Minsc quest from unfinished bussines, the quest is too easy and the reward is quite significant (19 strenght for Minsc), but the dialogues are fine and fun.
I will try to keep you updated, but I do not have too much time for gaming so my progress through the game is quite slow.
I expect and hope that the wizard slayer will be more powerful in Throne of Bhaal, because (1) he will finally have high enough magic resistance and (2) by using greater whirlwinds he will be able to cause almost 100% spell failure chance during a single round to any spellcaster no matter his protections. From what I have read it seems that this failure chance also applies to special abilities - so e.g. a fighter will not be able to use whirlwinds, berserker will not be able to berserk etc. But I did not test it myself yet, so I do not know if it works this way or not. It does not disrupt contingencies (this I observed) and sequencers and scripted spell casting (this I only read somewhere).
No, I am not dual-wielding right now, but thats only because of role-playing and continuity reasons (used sword and shield or flail and shield in BG1). But I plan to add the dual wield proficiences at levels 12, 15 and 18 and I will go dual wielding against Irenicus in the final battle and then later in ToB.
Of coarse you are right that dual wielding is better for wizard slayer, especially with a weapon, which increase the number of attacks per round. With improved haste you then even do not need whirlwinds.
Other than that:
- I tend to use tutu as I've been led to believe it's more hassle-free than BGT and because the completion of the Dynaheir romance of BG1NPC isn't compatible with BGT. Though a clear advantage with BGT would be the continuity.
- ToB Extender - works for all games, required for some mods. Contains some good optional tweaks like removing the stoneskin graphical effect,
- Unfinished Business - good for both BG1 and BG2, more to do, loose ends tied up etc. Stuff that was meant to be in the game anyhow.
- Friendship path mods when eligible for NPC:s I aim to have in my party but won't/can't romance. Adds more immersion and a deeper connection to the people you adventure with.
- Most of the 1PP graphics/paperdoll/flaming swords mods.
- Aurora's Shoes and Boots - works for both BG1 and BG2, mostly adds a bunch of items in the form of boots, and some decent conversations. I like it, but some of the items provided are pretty much best in slot, so it can be argued to affect game balance.
- aTweaks - collection of various tweaks, like instant cast for innate warrior skills like kai, druid shapeshifting etc, so they won't get interrupted by damage; also includes a script to have thieves enable trap detection automatically. Good for both BG1 and BG2.
- The G3 BG fixpack - Self explanatory, fixes a fair amount of bugs and some smaller optional ones.
- The G3 BG2 tweakpack - Good collection of optional and self-explanatory changes, helps you set the game up the way you want it. Good for both games.
- Sword Coast Stratagems 1 and 2, for BG1 and BG2 respectively. Large mods with a lot of options, from minor stuff like removing intrusive graphical effects from certain items to vastly improving the AI of casters.
- Spell revisions - Fairly large spell overhaul.. it mainly makes lowlevel spells a bit useful, reduces overused spells in power and boosts some underused ones. Also extends buff durations so buffing takes less micromanagement. A bit of a chore to install if you want to be selective.
- Flirtpack and Romantic Encounters, BG2 only. Lets you flirt with your love interest and adds a number of people throughout the world that your character can seduce and sleep with. Good if you like that kind of stuff.
- Banter pack and extended banter pack for BG2.. more NPC talk, more interjections, etc.
- Various class-adjusting mods depending on what I will play. If thief, Rogue Rebalancing; if monk, HLA table from Oversight (or possible Refinements), etc.
@Decado and @Gilad
I was going to do the same thing as Gilad. I Was going to rush my grandmasteries first (although prolly with the GM fix) and then about the end of SoA start dual wielding Crom, eventually ending up with Axe of the Unyielding+Crom (since you can't equip belts etc)