Add Additonal Camera Lock Options

With the release of Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition we were greeted with the long awaited feature to lock the camera. However, we are not done yet. Overhall can take this chance to add more options as to how we can lock our camera in all I.E. games. The first (and most sorely needed) is the option to lock the camera in the traditional 640x480 view. All I.E. games (IWD II excluded) were designed around this view and it would be nice to implement it for both new and old players alike. Many players would kill for the chance to experience Baldur's Gate: EE in that classic view without constant interruptions like cutscenes or the accidental move of the mouse wheel. The second needed lock option is the 800x600 view, introduced in Baldur's Gate 2. For some players, they prefer this view because it's far enough to get a better tactical view than 640x480, but not far enough to ruin the immersion of a closer camera. This will also help players experience Icewind Dale II in it's native view when the enhanced edition comes out. There are plenty more options that can be implemented, but for now you should stick to these two options first.
640x480 view, let's call this "Classic"
800x600 view, this can be "Tactical"
640x480 view, let's call this "Classic"
800x600 view, this can be "Tactical"
But I get your point and agree!