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expect some improvements for modding

shohyshohy Member Posts: 10
edited August 2012 in General Modding
There're some restrictions when modding with Infinity Engine. I hope that some of them can be resolved by Enhanced Infinity Engine.

For example, specified Effects on a target can be removed, while Effects brought by specified Spells can not be removed freely.
Effects of Spell with certain School Type or Secondary Type can be removed, but those functions are not enough for dealing with one specified Spell.
I expect a new function that all Effects with a certain Resource can be remove at once.

Another example, there's no free place to record specified states of a target.
When a target takes some actions, e.g. casts a Spell defined by modder, or improves a Variable, it's not easy to check that which action has been done and who did the action.
ScriptingState and Proficiency are applied in some mods to record self defined states, but those resources are limited and may result in incompatible mods.
Hope for a new address in all Effects to record a state, and the address can be checked by scripts, or even by other Effects.
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