IWD:EE First Timer Questions

I am surprised more new IWD players aren't using this subforum for spoiler-free questions. I know IWD is less story and more combat than BG, but still...
I have heard that IWD is even harder than BG, so as always, although I intend to play blind, I would like to make reasonable preparations, get things in order, write a will... etc
1) I see your party all starts at lv1... so the game is mostly low level combat like in BG1? If so I guess more fighters/archers and less mages? I do like my arcane magic but I got a feeling a bunch of magic geeks won't survive the harsh winters of the far north.
2) Am I right in assuming that there is no Charname? So no individual death will automatically result in a reload? Also... no NPCs, so if you're playing no-reload, that means no means of replacing a perma-dead party member? What do you guys normally do? What is intended? Oh does this also mean multiple familiars are possible?
3) EEKeeper and Console works for IWD:EE right? I suppose that means I could cheat in replacement characters and give them a comparable amount of xp as the deceased... but is that too cheaty?
4) Given low level combat... Is it pretty pointless to dual-class cos you won't enjoy the benefits for very long? (I do like Kensai=>Mage, but I got a feeling it's not worth it for this game.)
5) How does this provisional party look? Both in terms of classes and weapon types (reasonable availability). I know some of them are not "powergaming-correct", but I am trying to balance functionality with RP preference.
Human Fighter: Two Handed Style, Two Handed Sword, Crossbow.
Dwarven Defender: Sword and Shield Style, War Hammer, Axes.
Elf Ranger/Cleric: One Handed Style, Long Bow, 1-Handed Sword.
Half-Elf Fighter/Druid*: One Handed Style, Scimitar, Sling.
Half-Elf Kensai/Mage (EEKeeper): One Handed Style, 1-Handed Sword
Half-Elf Fighter/Thief: One Handed Style, Short Sword, Short Bow.
I have heard that IWD is even harder than BG, so as always, although I intend to play blind, I would like to make reasonable preparations, get things in order, write a will... etc
1) I see your party all starts at lv1... so the game is mostly low level combat like in BG1? If so I guess more fighters/archers and less mages? I do like my arcane magic but I got a feeling a bunch of magic geeks won't survive the harsh winters of the far north.
2) Am I right in assuming that there is no Charname? So no individual death will automatically result in a reload? Also... no NPCs, so if you're playing no-reload, that means no means of replacing a perma-dead party member? What do you guys normally do? What is intended? Oh does this also mean multiple familiars are possible?
3) EEKeeper and Console works for IWD:EE right? I suppose that means I could cheat in replacement characters and give them a comparable amount of xp as the deceased... but is that too cheaty?
4) Given low level combat... Is it pretty pointless to dual-class cos you won't enjoy the benefits for very long? (I do like Kensai=>Mage, but I got a feeling it's not worth it for this game.)
5) How does this provisional party look? Both in terms of classes and weapon types (reasonable availability). I know some of them are not "powergaming-correct", but I am trying to balance functionality with RP preference.
Human Fighter: Two Handed Style, Two Handed Sword, Crossbow.
Dwarven Defender: Sword and Shield Style, War Hammer, Axes.
Elf Ranger/Cleric: One Handed Style, Long Bow, 1-Handed Sword.
Half-Elf Fighter/Druid*: One Handed Style, Scimitar, Sling.
Half-Elf Kensai/Mage (EEKeeper): One Handed Style, 1-Handed Sword
Half-Elf Fighter/Thief: One Handed Style, Short Sword, Short Bow.
2)You are right. Anyone can die, and you'll be able to continue the game. I don't think I've ever seen a perma-death in IWDEE.
3) Yes, they work (the new version of EEKeeper has benn tested with IWDEE).
4) No. You are welcome to dual class. Maybe not a 13 level dual, but a 7 or 9 level dual is definitely Ok.
5) The party it's OK.
On a serious note:
1- I'd not worry for mages in IWD:EE, You'll be able to cast powerful spell in no time, just use frontliners as always! ;D
2- IIRC there are not spells which grant your party members permadeath, but I might be wrong;
3- sure, just remember that IWD:EE console is the same as all others IE:EE games, no like vanilla IWD;
4- As Pibaro said, you can low-level dual for profit, even if in IWD I prefer specific multiclass to dualclass;
5- just don't worry to powergame here.
I often dual class, but then I like lower level duals. In my current party I'm planning on dualing my thief to mage at 6th level. 6th is all the more thief levels you'll ever need in this game.
There may not be any NPCs, but its not a big deal to swap out party members during the game. A couple times I've added or changed a character after the start. The only harm is experience lost.
2 - yes, yes, yes, nothing, permadeath, no
3 - yes, yes, yes
4 - no, it is
5 - R/C cannot use bow/sword & cannot by default be Elf; Kensai/Druid mod should work, but you could kEEper it anyway