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Editor to use?

ExidreoExidreo Member Posts: 6
Hi, I've been playing BG, BG2 etc. etc. for YEARS, and now I've recently installed IWD EE. I love to create my own items for my characters, using IEEP 'cause I have no time to learn about WEIDU. My question: is there a way to use IEEP with the EE versions?

Thanks for everything!


  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Yes, Near Infinity is by far the best editor available now. It's still being updated on an almost weekly basis.
  • ExidreoExidreo Member Posts: 6
    I've been trying to use it, but when I add a new value to the dialog.tlk file the game doesn't recognise it, so I can use the item (I think) but I cannot give it a name or a description. Any hint, clue or cheat, please? And thanks for your answers!

    Sorry if I make any mistake writing, I'm not anglophone
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Exidreo said:

    I've been trying to use it, but when I add a new value to the dialog.tlk file the game doesn't recognise it, so I can use the item (I think) but I cannot give it a name or a description. Any hint, clue or cheat, please? And thanks for your answers!

    Sorry if I make any mistake writing, I'm not anglophone

    You probably will need to learn how to use Weidu to modify the dialog.tlk file.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Exidreo said:

    I've been trying to use it, but when I add a new value to the dialog.tlk file the game doesn't recognise it, so I can use the item (I think) but I cannot give it a name or a description. Any hint, clue or cheat, please? And thanks for your answers!

    You might have to copy the dialog.tlk file over to the main game folder, then copy it back after you're done. The EE games have a different location for it, it's now in the language folders, the original game has it in the the root directory. I was under the impression that Near Infinity compensated for that, but perhaps not. I know that's what I had to do whenever I tried to use DLTCEP.

  • ExidreoExidreo Member Posts: 6
    I've just tried to do that, and now the game says "Invalid: 40833" (that's the value in the .tlk) for the name of the item and the same for the description. It was different before, when it just obviated the new strings. Now at least it recognise there IS a string, though it's invalid (and I wish I knew why...)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    @Exidreo‌ I would advise against using Near Infinity for modifying the dialog.tlk. You can easily screw the whole dialog.tlk without noticing until it's too late (the warning message isn't just for show). WeiDU is much better suited for this.

    If you still want to modify the dialog.tlk in NI, you should first set the language via menu Options->TLK Language (EE only) to the specific language you are using in game or you might end up modifying the wrong dialog.tlk. You'll need to restart NI to make the change visible. Copying the dialog.tlk to the game's root folder isn't required.
  • ExidreoExidreo Member Posts: 6
    Thank you, @argent77, you've solved my problem. I've made a backup of the dialog.tlk just in case, but I'll add only simple values, for descriptions and item names.

    Thanks to all of you for your help!
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