#10490 [All] Charmed orcs in Easthaven cave should remain under PC control unless attacked/dispelled

1st level wizard spell Charm Person ought to last 1 turn regardless of what the charmed creature is doing (I believe). It works like this for some encounters and not others.
Cast charm person on one of Damien's goblins in Easthaven and the spell lasts for one turn. Even if the goblin is sent in to fight his own brethern.
Cast charm person on an orc in the lost caravan cave. Get the orc to fight another orc. The charm ends quickly.
I have a hunch and guess...
I have seen something similar ages ago with a script mod. Charmed (and summoned) creatures turned hostile when you were in combat with their own type. Eg. if you summoned hobgoblins with the wand of summoning and sent them to fight other hobgoblins the whole lot would turn hostile.
This is similar to a script for bears where a neutral bear at some distance would turn hostile if you were in combat with a fellow bear.
Cast charm person on one of Damien's goblins in Easthaven and the spell lasts for one turn. Even if the goblin is sent in to fight his own brethern.
Cast charm person on an orc in the lost caravan cave. Get the orc to fight another orc. The charm ends quickly.
I have a hunch and guess...
I have seen something similar ages ago with a script mod. Charmed (and summoned) creatures turned hostile when you were in combat with their own type. Eg. if you summoned hobgoblins with the wand of summoning and sent them to fight other hobgoblins the whole lot would turn hostile.
This is similar to a script for bears where a neutral bear at some distance would turn hostile if you were in combat with a fellow bear.
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