I keep on reading the occasional post on here about DLCs for BG:EE. What is the deal with this? Is this just speculation given the commonality of games released DLCs for games nowadays? Or have the developers confirmed or hinted at possible DLCs?
Some will be for free and some will be paid DLC:
Because that the modding community is very much alive in Baldurs Gate any new Paid DLC will have to be worth it, not just a "suite of armor" DLC
Also IMO DLC is a way to keep Baldurs Gate alive post-ship as long as they doing it right. call it Downloadable Expansions if you like.
Just estimate the time you have available for play and the time you would have to play to stretch things out! So instead of waiting 2 years with a willpower of iron or something (that's if you really care about the game) use that willpower to play just 2 hours / day
When I was at school (not long ago at all) I used to play BG/BG2 every weekend. I was not allowed to play games during weekdays so every week I would look forward to my weekend and the knowledge that I could play BG. When that weekend finally came I would play non-stop (I really didn't have much of a social life) from Friday afternoon to Sunday night, minus sleeping of course. I would finish BG and all the side-quests in that one weekend.
When the next weekend came I did the same for BG2. And then the cycle would repeat. This was my life, everything I did for a good two years. But that all changed when I got my PS2 in 2007 (I was in grade 8). I stopped playing because I had many more new games I could play.
It wasn't until 2009 that I played the BG series again. It was amazing. Better than it had ever been. Then I thought... what if I waited longer? How great would the experience be? Letting something reach the peak of its bloom is true care.
What Im going to do is probably wait 2 weeks tops for new updates and than start to play ( University start at mid Oct so I wont have time after that anyway ), after that I will wait a 8-9 months until BG2:EE is out and all the DLC, and will run a BG1-2:EE playthrough - Multiple experience!! :-)
@UnseeyingEye I understand your dedication for the franchise and wasn't questioning that. But we are talking about BG:EE. You are on the official forum, 1 month before release, stating you will not buy the game because you'd rather play it together with BG2:EE and that you are disappointed at finding out about DLCs(DLEs
I have no problem with anyone saying they don't want to buy the game. It's a free internet.
I believe @mch202's approach is much more reasonable. Get the game now, support the team who is enhancing the games you spent 2 years playing every weekend then play it again when BG2 comes out. :-?? Double the fun.
I spent 3 years playing and modding for TES3:Morrowind. If a revamp would come out I wouldn't be the first to come out and proclaim that while I love the game I won't pay a dime to the people who are working so hard for my enjoyment until they do the expansions as well. :-s
I do apologize if my previous post sounded harsh and perhaps it was my fault for reading this topic and not expecting the OP to get a positive answer to his queries only to do a 180 and sound disappointed that someone is working hard to give him something. (Because that's what they are saying. They will be giving not selling most of it)
The point of the post was to outline an alternative to your solution, albeit one that would limit the playtime.
I bought early mostly to send a signal and to encourage BeamDog's effort.
Sorry, I don't think I was clear enough in some of my posts. Let us clear up this confusion.
FIrst, I never said I will not buy BG:EE only that I will not play it until the second one is out. I fully intend to buy everything they release and if they bring out a physical box-set I will most certainly be buying that too. I will make sure to buy everything they make as soon as I can (even though I will not play the game for a year+)... all because I do want to reward them for their hard work on a game I love.
The next one will be harder to explain... and hence why I feel you did not get my original meaning. I did not mean that the fact that future DLCs were going to be released was what was "sad news" as I put it. It was that as such I would make myself wait even more until they had all been released. I was expecting to be able to play them next year sometime but as I want a perfect, complete playthrough I am going to wait until all the official content has been released. I will have more content but an extended wait until I play my game, bittersweet indeed but the positive far outweigh the negative.
And your post didn't sound harsh at all, my opening line was... I don't know how to explain it. I guess I was jokingly pretending to be outraged. Unfortunately I guess these kinds of things don't translate well over the internet. Something I must remember in the future.