No resurrection and minimal reload run - Perudo Murd

I played BG a lot first time around but nearly always gravitated towards the same NPCs. In order to make things a little more interesting with my latest run I've decided to do a 'no resurrection' run - when an NPC dies then they can't be brought back to life and instead I will have to recruit a different one. Quite intrigued to see who I end up with! I will only reload on main character death. Due to the fact that I don't know who I will be working with, my character will need to be versatile - they will have to be multiclassed - and the character will be neutral alignment because they will need to work with NPCs of varying alignments. Neutral alignment gives me more choices in game somehow. Let me introduce you therefore to Perudo Murd, the Illusionist/Thief - gnome and Bhaalspawn. I'll take his first roll for stats with no adjustments and will outline how that turns out on my next post.
Metagaming alert - from a roleplaying perspective Perudo being Chaotic Neutral might well have chosen NOT to head to the Friendly Arm. He is going to do it though because I want to be able to use all of the NPCs in the game and if Perudo, Imoen, Xzar and Montaron had cleared Nashkell Mines without Khalid and Jaheira then the latter two might not have appeared in the game.
Comment - Chaotic Neutral writ large here. Of course he is going to 'see what these magical belts do' and not even think about returning them to the rightful owner. Party is Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Montaron and Xzar. Heading to Nashkell tomorrow - hope everyone gets on alright.