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Non-Weapon Proficiencies

NancyButtpeachNancyButtpeach Member Posts: 38
I love Non-Weapon Proficiencies from AD&D. They flesh out a character quite well. However, I do not know that implementing them would add much to the game in comparison to how difficult they would be to implement.

What does everyone think?


  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    You mean like running jumping or swiming? climbing? No i cannot imagine those to be implemented well, atleast not in the current version of IE.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    I think an even bigger issue would be that even if a skill like that existed, there wouldn't be anything to use it on unless that was added as well, which would multiply the effort required to unreasonable levels. if they were to add say swimming what maps could you use it on? Would there be potential hazards (drowning, aquatic monsters) involved? Most importantly, would it break any plot flags that assume you walked through the front door like you were supposed to instead of swimming around it?

    Too much work for too little return.
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