Knight at Dorn's Deep Entrance

Is there anything I'm supposed to be able to do with the Voice of Durdel Anatha? I killed him when I entered, then he turned blue again, and now he doesn't interact with me. For that matter, is he in the original game? I don't remember him being there. It seems like it's hinting at a quest, so I'm wondering if this is restored content.
EDIT: In other words, just walk away, he will find you again later and attack you again.
Go to Nym - find out the history.
Go to priests, encounter voice again. Reason with it using the knowledge learned from Nym and make it realise the priests are evil and stinky.
Fought the Voice a couple of times => cleared out Fallen Temple => spoke to Harken => Voice teleports in and immediately dies *permanently* => No Quest, No XP
Had the same problem. After speaking to Harken, he will summon Durdel, BEFORE destroying the Idol, speak to Anatha and tell him wait Nym had admitted and quest proceeds as normal.
that walkthrough needs some updating, especially for ch6.
it's really immensely confusing.
the most confusing "quest" in the whole game, hands down, IMO.
I'll give it a go (note, this is STRICTLY for the quest; there are other things to do along the way):
1. Encounter Durdel in the entrance to lower Dorn, put him down once.
2. go to the elevator in the entrance area to lower Dorn (it's the one to the NW from where you enter).
3. follow the instructions from Tarnelm there; he needs food.
4. go to the palace courtyard, clear it, go to the Palace entrance. Get food from the kitchen (potatoes in container there).
5. go back and give food to tarnelm. follow his instructions as to how to get to gnome village.
6. find trader Nym as you enter the village. get what you want from him, then talk to him about where he's been. find out about what he did to make money. kill him (or... agree with his choices if you're a libertarian and don't kill him. Hey, the free market will sort it, right?).
7. go back to palace courtyard, enter temple. defeat the undead right in front of you (JUST the bone golems, mind), then carefully stick to the southern wall and move eastward until you see brother harken. Ignore everything else and talk to harken, and he will summon Durdel again. IMMEDIATELY talk to Durdel. tell him about what you learned from NYM.
8. pick up "the voice's bones" from the ground after Durdel dissipates himself. kill the bone golems around you, and go back to the southern wall and then to the exit to the courtyard. Or, you can freely wipe out all of the undead in this level of the temple and the idol at this point if you wish, now that you have the bones.
9*. take the bones to the church in Kuldahar (required to finish quest; not required to get the special umber hulk spawn).
10. go back to the palace courtyard, go to the artisan's quarter, go west as far as you can, you should see an eye trap on the ground. go a little north from there(which is also north from the second entrance), then west again into the culdesac. the umber should break out of a house there. carefully search the rubble, and you'll see there is an entrance to a little house with a body in it.
*step 9 is NOT required to get the umber hulks to spawn
EDIT: Or the XP and material rewards involved?
EDIT2: Solved. Creature code for spawn via console is "VOICE"
EDIT3: Can't turn in the bones at Kuldahar temple. Advice?
The item reward depends on your party leader's class.
The -6 AC (!) plate is likely the best out of the bunch.
ah that makes sense, my last play through was with a ranger leader and it was giving me that garbage cloak of +1 WIS which is basically useless
i kept reloading over and over hoping to get that platemail +6 but it would only give me the cloak bleh
Fighter,Cleric and others melee based char(Glory of Suffering+6)
Thief- Armor of Pennance+5(shityy reward)
Mage-Robe of Agony armor class 5, +15 hit points and symbol of pain on the wearer:(
Does anyone know if there is a console command to trigger or force the dialogue?
Alternatively is there a detailed list of the variable rewards and how the variable is determined (so you can manually apply the correct item plus XP via EEKeeper or console)?
630,000 XP
A random item determined by your Party Leader’s Class from the below:
* Based on comments in the 2004 Ironworks post below - presume this might be a bug and fixed in IWD EE?
Source was this post from the 'old' version of the Ironworks Forum: Sister Calliana Quest plus EEKeeper on my IWD EE install.
Would still be good to know exactly how it is determined (i.e. which Class) for what item you get.
Still looking for how to trigger the quest dialogue with Sister Calliana...
Based on recent playthroughs of IWD EE V2.6.6 the above looks correct, for Fighters and Bards. I don't have one to test on but I'm sure I've read somewhere that Rangers get Armour of Penance (like Thieves). Others I have tested:
Even though I did the quest correctly I did have one instance where I didn't get the dialogue with Sister Calliana. This was the same run through that Orrick's revised inventory didn't load correctly at Chapter 2. Don't know if the two are related, but I've now taken to doing a save game at the stat of Ch2 and going back to Kuldahar just to make sure the revised inventory has loaded correctly