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War party ideas?

Hey, any though about aggersive slaughter party? :)


  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    Edwin, Imoen, Nalia, Jan, Haer´Dalis + sorcerer. This party will annihilate everything in few seconds.
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    i really do love sorceres, but they kinad very op n easy to swift the maps, i agree. hows the shadow dancer?
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    A 4 fighters party slaughters everything that moves very quickly.
    Imagine Minsc, Valygar , Korgan and Jaheira in action ;D
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    heh yeah, but first strong mage dat stun/fear/chaos/cc will kinda fucked things up.
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    It depends on how you want to play, but Kensages, Kenieves and Cleric/Rangers can all hit hard and defend themselves well.
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    Oh, and high level monks are pretty good, but there are too many enemies that they can't touch later in the game for my liking.
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    i rembmer i said thx i had a monk in the underdark xD
  • FrogmanFrogman Member Posts: 153
    this thread is awesome
  • FrogmanFrogman Member Posts: 153
    @shando you are my new favorite poster
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    :D whats ur idea frogman about strong war party?
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