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So a thread like this probably already exists but..

TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
How many times [minimum] do you guys see yourselves playing through BGEE? I know I already have a few in mind and they are.

1. The original canon party [player character], Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc & Dynaheir

2. [player character], Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Rasaad & old companion I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

3. [player character], Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Neera & old companion I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

4. [player character], Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Dorn & old companion I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

5. [player character], Imoen, Rasaad, Neera & old companions I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

6. [player character], Imoen, Neera, Dorn & old companions I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

7. [player character], Imoen, Rasaad, Dorn & old companions I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

8. [player character], Imoen, Rasaad, Dorn, Neera & old companion I never used as much [ Xan, Yeslick, Branwen, etc. ]

I think it'll just be really interesting to see how all the different combinations would work out along the different quest lines, especially the new ones and all of the Tales of the Sword Coast stuff. I'm not sure which one I would actually play first BUT these are the ones that I definitely want to go through. My [Player Character] will usually be a fighter / magic user / Half-Elf.


  • WonKoWonKo Member Posts: 72
    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.
  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    WonKo said:

    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.

    That sounds interesting. I mostly play as good characters so if I did pick up Xzar/Montaron I usually take all their stuff and then drop them from the party. I'm only bringing Dorn because I'm hoping you can change his alignment through his personal quest.
  • WonKoWonKo Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2012
    I usually find it a bit taxing to play as evil. Hopefully Dorn makes it worthwhile as it will probably be my final playthrough of the 3.
  • gfm50gfm50 Member Posts: 124
    edited August 2012
    WonKo said:

    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.

    Gonna do a canon evil party and evil Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit.
  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    WonKo said:

    I usually find it a bit taxing to play as evil. Hopefully Dorn makes it worthwhile as it will probably be my final playthrough of the 3.

    That's my thought. I just really like this franchise too so I know I would like to do all sorts of different combinations, especially if I can clear any one run-through relatively quickly.
  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    gfm50 said:

    WonKo said:

    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.

    Gonna do a canon evil party and good Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit.
    What is the canon evil party? I've never played that one so it could be interesting to try.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    Short-term estimate: 3-5

    Long-term estimage: 40?
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I always found NPCs interchangeable, apart from different voice sets and conversations.
  • gfm50gfm50 Member Posts: 124

    gfm50 said:

    WonKo said:

    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.

    Gonna do a canon evil party and good Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit.
    What is the canon evil party? I've never played that one so it could be interesting to try.
    BTW, I made an error in my post, meant to say:

    "Gonna do a canon evil party and evil Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit."

    By canon evil party I was thinking Shar-Teel, Edwin, Montaron, Viconia, Xzar + evil PC.

  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    gfm50 said:

    gfm50 said:

    WonKo said:

    I'm personally thinking I'll do three playthroughs between now and BG2EE.

    One with the canon party and a Good Bhaalspawn.

    One with Neera, Rasaad, Xan, Branwen and someone else as a Neutral Bhaalspawn.

    One with Xzar and Monty and Dorn and some other dastardly fellows as an Evil Bhaalspawn.

    Gonna do a canon evil party and good Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit.
    What is the canon evil party? I've never played that one so it could be interesting to try.
    BTW, I made an error in my post, meant to say:

    "Gonna do a canon evil party and evil Bhaalspawn first, then probably try a neutral playthrough and *maybe* good as well. I played good parties through BG recently, so I want to mix it up a bit."

    By canon evil party I was thinking Shar-Teel, Edwin, Montaron, Viconia, Xzar + evil PC.

    ah ok, that sounds cool to try out then. I'll probably deal with that one later on once I've done the other play throughs I listed before.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Well, my original plan was to stick to the first party I beat the game with - Shar-Teel, Imoen, Jaheira, Viconia and Edwin - but having read up a bit on the new NPCs, I think I'll take Dorn instead of Shar-Teel and Neera instead of Edwin. Unless Neera turns out to be Whiny Good, then it's back to Edwin again...
  • DelinomDelinom Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2012
    Can you carry BG1 NPC's over to BG2 in BG:EE? Are 100% positive no this? Do they have interjections and quests in BG2 EE? Sorry if it's been addressed before.

    On topic: I still keep changing my mind everyday, but I know that I'll run at least once as evil in BG:EE to play with the new Blackguard Kit and make a party with Shar-Teel (or Montaron), Kagain, Viconia, Edwin and Dorn.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @Delinom: Trent Oster has confirmed that Dorn, Rasaad and Neera will be in BG2; other than that, it's the usual group of Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, Edwin and Viconia. No word yet on whether stats and levels will transfer, though.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    I will first try the new guys and girl and then we will see... :)
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    PC (half-elf cleric of Helm), Kivan, Coran, Rasaad, Neera and Xan will probably be my first run through the game, followed by PC (most likely a half-elven bard or backguard), Dorn, Kaigan, Edwin, Viconia and Montaron/Safana.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I plan on doing at least 1 of every class. Some classes will have multiples (I.e. Stalker and Archer; Wizard Slayer, Berserker and Kensai; Cavalier and Undead Hunter; Swashy and Assassin).

    Some parties I'm looking forward to though are.
    Running Kagain and Yeslick (dwarven bickering. Might even add Quayle and Tiax for even more bickering).
    Running Viconia, Kivan, Xan and maybe even Coran. This one is going to end up running Sarevok in ToB because I want to try to redeem Viconia and Sarevok.
    Legit running a full Canon party since normally I decide to skip Jaheria and Khalid cause I can't stand em.
    A full Evil party of Kagain, Viconia, Edwin, Dorn, xxx

    I dunno just so many characters I've never used in BG. Here is a list of known characters I've used before.
    Khalid, Jaheria, MINSC!!!!, Dynaheir, Imoen, Coran, Ajantis, Kivan, Brawen, Yeslick. And I think I only used Brawen TILL I got Yeslick.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Many times, when not playing at gw2.
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