There is not an easy fix for now, other than transferring your save game to pc version of the game, re-enabling side bars there and saving, and transferring the save game back to your device. Ifunbox works for this.
Loading your game to a previous save where you haven't pushed the button to hide the sidebars is the easiest way. And being extra careful to prevent it from happening again.
Maybe the option should just be removed. I don't know who likes to get rid of those sidebars, but I know I always leave them up. And every screenshot I've ever seen of the game has them up too.
There's been several posts about this already. The easy fix is enable zoom in your accessibility settings. Double tap with three fingers to zoom the screen and make the button bigger/tapable. Then double tap with three fingers again. This has been fixed in IWDEE, so I would assume that will get back ported when the next BGEE patch hits.
Loading your game to a previous save where you haven't pushed the button to hide the sidebars is the easiest way. And being extra careful to prevent it from happening again.
This has been fixed in IWDEE, so I would assume that will get back ported when the next BGEE patch hits.