Suffering from rerollitis!

Hello! I unfortunately appear to be suffering from rerollitis! I come up with a great character RP concept and start and get through all of Baldur's Gate 1 before going and trying a new character and never getting to BG2. I've completed BG2 only twice while I've completed BG1 numerous times. I have a Dirgesinger Bard (song and silence mod), Cleric, and Wizard all at the end of BG1 ready to move on to BG2 but then I get a new idea and feel like I must start all over again.
So I ask of thee to help me either come up with a reason to skip BG1 and go straight to BG2 with my char concepts or just actually be able to stick with one character from beginning to end. I'm currently wanting to make a Neutral Evil Elf Female Blackguard (BG2 tweaks, my savior~) and make an evil necromancy-themed party but I don't want to hit the end of BG1 again only to want to start over again @_@.
So I ask of thee to help me either come up with a reason to skip BG1 and go straight to BG2 with my char concepts or just actually be able to stick with one character from beginning to end. I'm currently wanting to make a Neutral Evil Elf Female Blackguard (BG2 tweaks, my savior~) and make an evil necromancy-themed party but I don't want to hit the end of BG1 again only to want to start over again @_@.
All the dialogue charname has with people only heshe could know of is done by Imoen who practically has the same background as you, I don't know how much of bg2 you have finished but there are a few encounters with old friends/enemies that I let Imoen speak in, the way this is done in most cases is by letting Imoen speak with them first that way her name will show up in dialogue. I have not bumped into any major difficulties by doing this but there is some small things that get a bit, weird as in a certain prison for magical deviants. The most simple fix for this is to always have someone from bg1 with you in the party and if you want to bring someone who did not appear in bg2 you can just make that char with keeper and multiplayer game magic.
I like to do it like this but it is not the solution for everyone, for me it keeps the game fresh and a bit more interesting. And if you want to do it real hardcore you could fill out the blanks of the sudden change of charname by writing a text, drawing or maybe even do it in another more mod-friendly game as a short mod. I don't do that though...
I don't think there is a cure for rerolleritis but this is a treatment I use and recommend
Hope my gibberish is understandable!
(Here's an explanation for anyone who isn't familiar with the show:
I like that idea a lot though. In PnP D&D my rerollitis is usually kept in check because if/when my character dies I know I can bring a new person in and continue the story. Maybe I'll actually do it where if I die while playing I'll roll up a new char and use EE keeper to change the PC.
125 hours on BG1
83 hours in BG2
This is wonderful.
I feel so relieved to know I'm not the only one like this XD