I have a question about Races

Im strongly considering to play the game as a regular fighter. I know it sounds boring but Im going to play it differently. Im going to choose one of the races that you get to mix things up a bit. Hoping that I can play the fighter differently than you normally would due to a cool race and bonuses.
This is probably a stupid question, but does anyone have any info on the race/changes or new info?
I looked on the main site under 400 improvements but couldnt find it.
This is probably a stupid question, but does anyone have any info on the race/changes or new info?
I looked on the main site under 400 improvements but couldnt find it.
20 Str, 19 Dex, 20 Con at the end of BG1 (using the stat tomes). I think the max you can have is 16 int and/or 16 Cha though.
Lol, that's unfair to Half-orcs.
Its kind of funny though, because there are actually multiple examples in novels of Half-orcs actually being at least as smart as humans, and I honestly prefer it when they're portrayed that way.
But of course, you'll also find plenty of examples of goblins being complete morons while the Hobgoblins in the Chosen of Nendarwen books are portrayed as having the average intelligence of humans.
The sub races in Icewind Dale 2 is where I could seriously consider playing a halfling as a high dexterity character.