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Looting containers/bodies in IWDEE on Android (Nexus 7 2013)

Overall the game is fairly stable, though I haven't looked closely at the crunchy bits to make sure they jive but one issue I do have is looting containers/bodies.

I will "open" a container and get the item selection screen. Throw a few items in my inventory, but sometimes it gets kind of slow, I don't hear the item selection sound and although the item is removed from the container it doesn't go into my inventory.

If I click away I can reopen the container and the items are still there, so I can try looting again and it usually works. More of an annoyance than anything. Only happens if I loot things quickly. If I am more deliberate it generally works, though once a container gets into that state I have to click away and reopen before it will work.


  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    Do you happen to have anything open on the device other than the game? That almost sounds like a performance issue (i.e. the CPU/System is bogged down processing other things so it can't process the click/add the item).

    I realize this is unlikely given that most tablet computers are more than powerful enough to run anything they can download onto them, but I would guess with enough open apps...

    Is this only in a specific location or does it happen anywhere in the game? Perhaps there's some graphics lag to deal with?
  • BuddyRichBuddyRich Member Posts: 20
    It seemed to happen more with bodies than containers but its happened in easthaven and kuldahar pass but that's as far as I've gotten. No other apps running. I've never noticed it with bgee on android...
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @BuddyRich: Don't have a nexus myself so I can't help determine the cause. I assume this doesn't "go away" when you restart your device?
  • BuddyRichBuddyRich Member Posts: 20
    No... First thing I tried. Something else I've noticed is that the sound is stuttery at times like it is slow HW... But as I said I have no problem with bgee on the same device, even if I start it right after exiting iwd.
  • BuddyRichBuddyRich Member Posts: 20
    Turning off player scripts helped somewhat...
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